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Based on minhng92/odoo-13-docker-compose, just trying to take less effort in setup a Odoo-docker stack

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This Odoo repo is built from minhng92/odoo-13-docker-compose and include some of my features:

  • Multi version
  • .env with custom variables
  • CI/CD using Github Actions
  • Production ready (not too stressful 🤣🤣)

That's it, let's take a look!


  • Recommended OS: Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with at least 2GB RAM.
  • Have basic understanding Odoo.
  • Docker and Docker-compose installed (Check my repo for initial server).

First time setup

This will execute sudo nano ~/my-odoo/.env and bring you to nano editor, input yours or check my .env.

sudo git clone && 
sudo nano ~/my-odoo/.env && 
sudo nano ~/my-odoo/etc/odoo.conf && 
sudo chmod -R 777 ~/my-odoo/addons && 
sudo chmod -R 777 ~/my-odoo/etc && 
sudo mkdir -p ~/my-odoo/postgresql && 
sudo chmod -R 777 ~/my-odoo/postgresql && 
sudo docker-compose -f ~/my-odoo/docker-compose.yml up -d

This is an example of my .env


This is an example of my odoo.conf

# Check file odoo-sample.conf for more Odoo config (smtp, i18n,...)
# Uncomment admin_passwd if you want to set the master password, a auto-generated password will provided at start-up if comment this line
# Recommend leaving the setting at default 

; admin_passwd = odoo-test 
addons_path = /mnt/extra-addons
data_dir = /etc/odoo
logfile = /etc/odoo/odoo-server.log
dev_mode = reload

It will ask for editing odoo.conf, leave it default if you're not experienced. You can set master password on your own or leave it commented (a auto-generated will be provided)

Alt text Alt text

Alt text

Check localhost:10016 or the port you choose

Restart Odoo containers stack

sudo docker-compose -f ~/my-odoo/docker-compose.yml up --build --force-recreate -d

Edit .env variables

sudo nano ~/my-odoo/.env

Remove all Odoo containers stack and the whole directory my-odoo

sudo docker-compose -f ~/my-odoo/docker-compose.yml down && 
sudo rm -rf ~/my-odoo

Check log

cat ~/my-odoo/etc/odoo-server.log

Remove all the directories created by odoo-docker (in case you change to another odoo/postgres version):

sudo rm ~/my-odoo/etc/odoo-server.log
sudo rm -rf ~/my-odoo/etc/sessions
sudo rm -rf ~/my-odoo/etc/filestore
sudo rm -rf ~/my-odoo/postgresql/

For production

Modify Github Actions workflows for your pipeline, mine is a very basic one.

This setup is tested with just few instances for less-than-10-user project (development, staging, production ci/cd with very low effort) and with not-so-busy activities. Should be carefully test if you use it as massive services (k8s, multi-workers, load balancing)

Third-party apps I used


Based on minhng92/odoo-13-docker-compose, just trying to take less effort in setup a Odoo-docker stack







No releases published
