This workshop will walk you through deploying a Node.js microservices stack with Kubernetes.
This tutorial launches a Kubernetes cluster on Google Container Engine
If you are running this tutorial at home, you will need a Google Cloud Platform account. If you don't have one, sign up for the free trial.
To complete this tutorial, you will need the following tools installed:
You can also use Google Cloud Shell, a free VM that has all these tools pre-installed.
For this workshop, I will assume you are using Cloud Shell.
- Create a cluster:
One great feature of Cloud Shell is that you get a machine assigned from the geographically closest pool. We can use that to create our Kubernetes cluster in the same zone by reading the Cloud Shell instance zone from the Google Compute Engine Metadata:
ZONE=$(curl "" \
-H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" | sed 's:.*/::')
gcloud container clusters create playground --nodes 3 --zone=$ZONE
If you get an error, make sure you enable the Container Engine API here.
Tip: To enable kubectl autocomplete run source <(kubectl completion bash)
- Run the hello world deployment:
kubectl apply -f ./01-hello-node/deployment.yaml
Expose the container with a service:
kubectl apply -f ./01-hello-node/service.yaml
At this stage, you have created a Deployment with one Pod, and a Service with an external load balancer that will send traffic to that pod.
You can see the external IP address for the service with the following command. It might take a few minutes to get the external IP address:
kubectl get svc
Tip: You can use watch to monitor the status of your services: watch -n1 kubectl get svc
Once you see the external ip address you can navigate to the Hello World app in your browser.
You can easily scale out and in your applications. One pod of our app is not enough. Let's get 5 of them!
kubectl scale deployment hello-node-green --replicas=5
You can see the all pods with the following command:
kubectl get pods
The new app allows you to upload a picture, flips it around, and displays it.
You can see the source code here.
Lets package the new app into a container so we can run it on Kubernetes.
The specification to build our container image can be found in the Dockerfile.
There are 2 options to build our container, locally or with the Google Container Builder. Chose one of the two.
To make the build a bit easier we use a [Makefile][./imageflipper-app/Makefile]. It will build the container image, tag it with the current version (obtained with git describe --always
) and optionally push it to the Google Container Registry.
To build the container run:
cd imageflipper-app && make container && cd ..
To push the container image to the Container registry run:
cd imageflipper-app && make push-gcr && cd ..
Google Container Builder will build your containers for you remotely on GCP. To submit a build run the following command:
VERSION=`git describe --always`; gcloud container builds submit --tag$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID/imageflipper-app:$VERSION ./imageflipper-app/
This will automatically build and push the Docker image to your projects Google Container Registry.
Now, we are going to update the deployment created in Step 1. You can see the new YAML file here.
Make a copy of the template file deployment.yaml.template and save it in the same folder as deployment.yaml
. Replace the <PROJECT_ID> and placeholders with your Project ID and the current git version(git describe --always
You can use the following command to do all this in one step:
VERSION=`git describe --always`; sed -e "s~<PROJECT_ID>~$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID~g" -e "s~<VERSION>~$VERSION~g" ./02-rolling-update/deployment.yaml.template > ./02-rolling-update/deployment.yaml
Now use the apply command to update the deployment. The only change to this file from the first deployment.yaml is the new container image.
kubectl apply -f ./02-rolling-update/deployment.yaml
This will replace all the old containers with the new ones. Kubernetes will perform a rolling update; it will delete one old container at a time and replace it with a new one.
You can watch the containers being updated with this command:
watch -n1 kubectl get pods
Once it is done, press ctrl + c
to quit.
If you refresh the page pointing to the external ip of your service now, you'll see the updated website!
The imageflipper app is created and running, but what if you want to innovate on the image flipping independent of the frontend? We need to separate these two parts. Lets create a backend service that does the image manipulation and will expose a REST API that the frontend app can communicate with.
You can see the source code for the backend service here.
You again have the 2 options from Step 3 to build your container.
cd imageflipper-service && make push-gcr && cd ..
Run the backend deployment:
VERSION=`git describe --always`; sed -e "s~<PROJECT_ID>~$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID~g" -e "s~<VERSION>~$VERSION~g" ./imageflipper-service/deployment.yaml.template > ./imageflipper-service/deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./imageflipper-service/deployment.yaml
The service.yaml file for the backend service is very similar to the frontend service, but it does not specify type: LoadBalancer
. This will make the service a cluster local service instead that is only accessible from inside the cluster.
Make the backend pods discoverable and addressable with a service:
kubectl apply -f ./imageflipper-service/service.yaml
Now that the backend service is running, we need to update the frontend to use the new backend.
Make the changes in imageflipper-app/index.js and update the /api/photo
endpoint to use the new backend. Don't cheat, but if you need "inspiration" you can find the solution here.
To create a new git version we need to commit our changes. Run the following command to commit the changes and tag the new version.
First we need to set git user email and name:
git config --global ""
git config --global "Rockstar Developer"
git add -u && git commit -m "new awesome backend" && git tag -a v2.0 -m "Version 2.0"
Now we can build our new frontend container image:
cd imageflipper-app && make push-gcr && cd ..
Instead of doing a rolling update like we did before, we are going to use a Blue-Green strategy this time.
This means we will spin up a new deployment of the frontend, wait until all containers are created, then configure the service to send traffic to the new deployment, and finally spin down the old deployment. This allows us to make sure that users don't get different versions of the app, smoke test the new deployment at scale, and a few other benefits. You can read more about Blue-Green Deployments vs Rolling Updates here.
Spin up the the new deployment with the following command:
VERSION=`git describe --always`; sed -e "s~<PROJECT_ID>~$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID~g" -e "s~<VERSION>~$VERSION~g" ./03-blue-green/deployment.yaml.template > ./03-blue-green/deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./03-blue-green/deployment.yaml
Check if the new version is running with the following command:
kubectl get pods
To test the service we need to make the new version accessible through a Kubernetes service.
Create the hello-node-test
service with the following command:
kubectl apply -f ./03-blue-green/service.yaml
Wait for the external ip to be assigned:
watch -n1 kubectl get svc
Once the external ip is assigned for the hello-node-test
service direct your browser in a new tab to it. Verify if everything works. Once you're happy, we can switch over the existing (production) hello-node
service to the new frontend.
To do this, we use the kubectl edit
kubectl edit svc hello-node
Look for the selector and change it to hello-node-green
name: hello-node-green
name: hello-node-blue
At this point, you can go back to the original browser tab were you had the first version open and verify the new code will be live. Once you are happy with the results, you can turn down the green deployment.
kubectl scale deployment hello-node-green --replicas=0
kubectl delete deployment hello-node-green