Hi, I’m houshmand-2005
My Projects:
- chat_app: A WebSocket-based chat application built with FastAPI.
- Crypto_Buy_System: An API project for managing cryptocurrency sales in Django.
- TabTrove: A browser collection manager.
- V2IpLimit: Limiting the number of active users with IP (Xray core).
- Vohulang: A programming language based on Rust.
- RmzHash Encoder-Decoder text-based project in Django Live Version
- GOTB: A fun and interactive game inspired by the famous "Game of Life".
- py2hlog: Python package for formatting logs to HTML log formatter Source.
- Django booklet: Available here.
- Learning Room: A Django training project.
Contact Information
- Email: houshmand2005@gmail.com
- Website: houshmand-2005.github.io
- Telegarm: @Houshmand_Am