- GitHub: Version Control, git-clone vs downloading repositories.
- Unix primer: (cd, ls, ssh, emacs) (Google cloud instance)
- Coding programs: Textwrangler, PyCharm, Atom, or Sublime Text.
- Github.com
- Google Drive (general gmail account)
- DropBox.com
- Overleaf.com
- Kaggle.com
- Papers and/or ADS experience (Building a library of papers)
- Piazza.com ( Course Q&A website)
- How to write a professional email.
- Make sure everyone has python installed.
- Effective Paper Reading
- Python
- Ipython
- Jupyter
- Jupyter labs
How to read a research paper.
Exoplanets Review by Lee (2018). (link in Google Drive)
Extras Numpy, Pandas, Gspread, reading in files, plotting (data discovery, bokeh), radvel,. Start planet fitting with fitting a sin wave, move to radvel Pandas: slicing datasets, SQL queries in python Plotting: linear vs log space
Paper on Proxima b https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.1706680114
GAIA and SQL interface (online Astronomy Archives)
- Distances, Astronometry, Stellar Parameters
NASA Exoplanet Archive
- Download all of the Kepler transiting planets
- Make histogram of planet radii
- Make Orbital period vs Planet Radius plot
- Download all of the Kepler transiting planets
This week offers an extra project involving SETI and Gaia queries.
- https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.03503.pdf
- This includes an opportunity to be on a research paper.
Exoplanet Size Distribution https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.04253
- TESS tutorial
Download TESS data
Extra Credit For a Kepler tutorial, please see Intro2Astro 2018
Identify planet Transit period
- Linear Fitting, Chi-squared.
James Webb Space Telescope and Exoplanets https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/20180004151/downloads/20180004151.pdf
- Build a website using wix.com (Leader: TBD)
- What belongs on an academic website.
- Alternate methods: google sites. github sites.
- make a CV using Overleaf.com
- Website Review.
- CV review will take place offline.
Paper on Planet Geology
*Discussion on Planet Geology
Planet Imaging paper https://arxiv.org/pdf/1810.02031.pdf
- RadVel - Fitting Radial Velocities.
- Additional Fitting methods.
- Final Project
No paper assigned, focus on final project
- REU Opportunities avaiable
- Final Project due by Aug 6th.