Provides a package around @howso/amalgam releases.
Amalgam version: 58.0.0
npm i @howso/amalgam-lang
npm i --save-dev @types/emscripten
We highly suggest the use of a Worker. Create one that can be handed to @howso/engine
import { AmalgamWasmService, initRuntime } from "@howso/amalgam-lang";
import wasmDataUri from "@howso/amalgam-lang/lib/";
import wasmUri from "@howso/amalgam-lang/lib/amalgam-st.wasm?url";
(async function () {
const svc = new AmalgamWasmService((options) => {
return initRuntime(
locateFile: (path: string) => {
// Override file paths so we can use hashed version in build
if (path.endsWith("amalgam-st.wasm")) {
return wasmUri;
} else if (path.endsWith("")) {
return wasmDataUri;
return self.location.href + path;
{ logger: console },
self.onmessage = async (ev) => {
self.postMessage({ type: "event", event: "ready" });
Anytime a new release is created in @howso/amalgam package's
, update the entire src/webassembly
directory's contents.
In most releases the Amalgam language's interfaces will not change. When it does, update the other files.
Actions are available through GitHub.