Programming tangible User Interfaces can be difficult and time consuming. This is a novel tool, written in Sandblocks, Squeak/Smalltalk, that enables users to easily and quickly do rapid prototyping for interactive user interfaces. It uses a component-like structure inspired by ReactJS, but in a more simple and visual way. The user works with reusable components and visually connects behavior and state with UI elements.
How to test it:
- Import the source code in your local Smalltalk image (make sure it supports Sandblocks).
- Open a workspace and type
SBEditor open
. Mark the text and press Ctrl + D (to execute it). - Open another workspace with Ctrl + T and type
sbEditor openMoprhInView: LPComponent new
. Press Ctrl + D again. - Open the palette (top left button in the SBEditor) and your are all set up! Happy prototyping!