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A Ruby on Rails application for organizing and arranging networks, relationships, and human connections.


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Main branch: CodeFactor build: main, deployed version: Heroku link

Dev branch: CodeFactor build: dev, deployed version: Heroku link

License: MIT

A web application for organizing and arranging networks, relationships and human connections, written in Ruby on Rails. Created in the Software Engineering II course at the HPI in Potsdam.

Development Setup


  • To create the VM, run vagrant up (based on the Vagrantfile).
  • Enter the machine using vagrant ssh.
  • Go to the project directory cd hpi-swt2.
  • Start the dev server rails s -b (-b / --binding=IP allows connections from outside the VM).
  • Go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the page.

Local setup

  • ruby --version Ensure Ruby v2.7.2 using rbenv or RVM
  • sqlite3 --version Ensure SQLite3 database installation
  • node --version; yarn -v Ensure Node.js and Yarn installation
  • bundle -v Ensure Bundler installation (with gem install bundler)
  • bundle config set without 'production' && bundle install Install gem dependencies from Gemfile
  • yarn install --check-files Install JS dependencies from package.json
  • rails db:migrate Setup the database, run migrations
  • rails db:seed Initialize database with default values (e.g. global chat)
  • rake devise:create_demo_user Create a demo user (note email & password)
  • rails s Start the Rails development server (default: localhost:3000) and log in using the demo credentials
  • bundle exec rspec Run the tests (using the RSpec test framework)

Developer Guide

Cheat Sheets


  • bundle exec rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development && bundle exec rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test Migrate both test and development databases
  • bundle exec rails assets:clobber && bundle exec rails assets:precompile Redo asset generation


  • bundle exec rspec Run the full test suite
    • -f doc More detailed test output
    • -e 'search keyword in test name' Specify what tests to run dynamically
    • --exclude-pattern "spec/features/**/*.rb" Exclude feature tests (which are typically fairly slow)
  • bundle exec rspec spec/<rest_of_file_path>.rb Specify a folder or test file to run
  • bundle exec rspec --profile Examine run time of tests


  • rake factory_bot:lint Create each factory and catch any exceptions raised during the creation process (defined in lib/tasks/factory_bot.rake)
  • bundle exec rubocop Use the static code analyzer RuboCop to find possible issues (based on the community Ruby style guide).
    • --auto-correct to fix what can be fixed automatically.
    • RuboCop's behavior can be controlled using .rubocop.yml


  • save_and_open_page within a test to inspect the state of a webpage in a browser
  • rails c --sandbox Test out some code in the Rails console without changing any data
  • rails dbconsole Starts the CLI of the database you're using
  • bundle exec rails routes Show all the routes (and their names) of the application
  • bundle exec rails about Show stats on current Rails installation, including version numbers


  • rails g migration DoSomething Create migration _db/migrate/*DoSomething.rb
  • rails generate takes a --pretend / -p option that shows what will be generated without changing anything

Generating a Model Class Diagram with RubyMine

RubyMine, an IntelliJ-IDE designed for ruby projects supports generating an uml class diagram from the database scheme. An Instruction can be found here: Currently, a file named class-diagram.png in the projects root folder is linked in this README. So by overwriting this file, or adding a new one to the README, the current model dependencies can be updated.

Current Model Class Diagram