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Palworld Admin Panel

Palworld Admin Panel is a simple server that interfaces with your gameserver's REST-API. The purpose is then to provide a safer way for users and server owners to administrate thir Palworld server.


You should have some knowledge or be capable of figuring out how to: launch a docker image or install nodeJs and launch a node server.

This repo provides two options for launching the server. I recomend you to use Portainer to manage your Docker images if you are new to Docker.

Alternativly on windows use Docker Desktop

Server variables:

The server need certain values to connect propperly to your Palworld server.

WEB_PORT=3000 This variable isn't used for the Docker image, but if you download the repo and set it up your self, you may want to change the webserver port.

PAL_USER=admin Currently the default API user is admin but this might change in the future and if it does, change this variable to a suting username.

PAL_PWD=admin The API password is the same as the password AdminPassword you set in the PalWorldSettings.ini when configuring the server.

REST_PORT=8212 This has to match RESTAPIPort in the PalWorldSettings.ini, if you changed it when configuring the server set the new port here also.

PAL_IP= This is the ip of your Palworld server, preferably you are runing this server(Palworld-Admin-Panel) in the same network as your game server. [ is the same as localhost no need to change this if everything is on the same machine]


Using docker

Remember you HAVE-TO set a password on creation.

Default variables all the way

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -e PAL_PWD="admin" palworld-admin-panel

Custome varables

Only include the variables you need

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -e PAL_USER="admin" -e PAL_PWD="admin" -e REST_PORT="8212" -e PAL_IP="[]"  palworld-admin-panel

Using NodeJS standalone

Download the repo from github and extract the files to where you want the server to be stored.


In the repo you'll find a file named example.env, rename this to .env and update the values with your own values.

See the explanation up above if you have questions about the variables.

Start comand

Open a CLI tool and navigate to the server directory then write npm start in the comand line. Now the server is running and ready to use.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.


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Webserver to aid you in managing your palworld server, and give users a site to check out some server-stats




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