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Causal Loop Diagram with roughjs

rough_cld / You can try this demo.

You can draw causal loop diagrams (CLD). This library uses roughjs for handdrawn circles and connections. You can draw multiple diagrams on one page. Rough_cld is based on Bootstrap (>= 5.2).

  • You can show the diagram completely expanded. For every node and edge you can add some informations, which are displayed as popovers.
  • Or you can show the diagram stepwise. In this case informations to each node or edge are shown beside the diagram. If you want you can go backward.

Example for causal loop


The head of your HTML page should look like this:

  <title>SVG Test</title>
  <meta charset="utf-8">

  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="rough_cld.js"></script>
  <script src=""></script>
      var popoverTriggerList = []'[data-bs-toggle="popover"]'))
      var popoverList = (popoverTriggerEl) {
          return new bootstrap.Popover(popoverTriggerEl)
      a:link {
        text-decoration: none;

First you have to declare a canvas and info area. The names must be unique on this page (svg_456), and the info div has to be named in the following way: _info (svg_456_info):

<div class="row mt-3">
    <div class="col-md-9">
        <svg id="svg_456" width="600px" height="400px" viewbox="100 200 600 400"></svg>
    <div class="col-md-3">
        <div id="svg_456_info"></div>

Next you have to include the data:

    var rcld_456 = new RoughCld("svg_456")

    nodes = [
        [0, 500, 400, '#c49a4c', "#", "Hasen", "Hasen sind wichtig für das Überleben der Füchse."],
        [1, 200, 400, '#634a1d', "#93753b", "Füchse", "Füchse ernähren sich z.B. von Hasen."]
    edges = [
        [0, 1, -100, 1, '#', 'Gibt es genug Hasen, so können Füchse ebenfalls leben.'],
        [1, 0, 100, -1, '#', 'Die Füchse verhindern, dass sich die Hasen zu stark vermehren.']
    rcld_456.draw_cld(nodes, edges, true)


var rcld_456 = new RoughCld("svg_456")

you have to use the name of your canvas div (svg_456). If you want to draw more then one causal loop on one page you have to declare an unique name for each class instance (rcld_456).

Nodes have the following structure:

  • First item is an id.
  • Second you describe the x position.
  • Then you declare the y position.
  • Every node can have a different color.
  • Next you describe the URL for more informations for this node. Normally you fill in "#".
  • Then you declare the title of your popver dialog.
  • Last you write the additional infos for this node.

Edges have a similar structure:

  • First item is an id from which node the connection is starting.
  • Second id describes the target of your connection.
  • With the bend parameter you tell the connector how much it is curved. With "+" and "-" you can change the side of the curved connection (100 vs -100).
  • "1" means strengthening influence (+); -"1" means weakening influence. If you want a bolder curve use "2" or "-2".
  • Next you describe the URL for more informations for this edge. Normally you fill in "#".
  • Then you declare the title of your popver dialog.
  • Last you write the additional infos for this node.

If you want to show the complete diagram (true), you call

rcld_456.draw_cld(nodes, edges, true)

If you want to show the diagram stepwise you have to create control buttons. Since index.html has two diagrams on the same page, I had to declare a second class (rcld_123):

<div class="col-12">
    <div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="forward / backward">
        <button class="btn btn-light" onclick="rcld_123.prev_edge()"><i class="fas fa-chevron-circle-left"></i></button>
        <button class="btn btn-light" onclick="rcld_123.next_edge()"><i class="fas fa-chevron-circle-right"></i></button>

The last step is calling draw_cld with the complete parameter set to false:

rcld_123.draw_cld(nodes, edges, false)


You can generate the nodes and edges by an additional Python program: python . The model has to be described in the following way:

R = 60
causal_raw = """
Regen (1;1;#;Der Regen ist die Basis allen Lebens)
Weide (3;2;#;Nahrungsgrundlage für viele Beutetiere)
Beute (4;4;#;Nahrungsgrundlage für viele Jäger)
Jäger (1;4;#;Spitze der Nahrungspyramide;#a00000)
Regen +> Weide (2;#;Der Regen fördert das Wachstum der Pflanzen)
Weide +> Beute (2;#;Eine üppige Wiese kann viele Beutetiere ernähren)
Beute ++> Jäger (6;#;Viele Beutetiere sind eine gute Nahrungsgrundlage für Jäger)
Jäger --> Beute (6;#;Jäger hält die Anazhl der Beutetiere im Gleichgewicht)
  • The coordinates are calculated depending on R.
  • You don't have to use apostrophes for strings.
  • The strength is expressed by ++> or -->. You shuoldn't use more then 3 plus or minus signs.

See also