Tookit for text analysis using stm. The tools including dependency extractors that extract subject-verb-object pairs from texts.
- pom.xml should have most dependencies.
- HanLPDependencyExtractor requires HanLP
- R script requires stm and tm packages.
- Create six directories named "S", "V", "O", "SV", "VO", and "SO" under classpath.
- Create a directory under classpath and put all text files in it.
- Execute dependency generator, it takes the name of source directory as command line argument.
- Run Dependency generator, and dependency pairs will be generated under those 6 directories. For example, if the source directory named "courtDoc", run:
java DependencyGenerator courtDoc
- Run LDACMatrix to create term-document matrix and vocab for stm. LDACMatrix takes one argument, the base directory that contains those 6 directories. Matrix matXXX.dac and vocabXXX will be created under classpath.
- Modify under stmData to call R script (you may also call this function directly in R). For example, if the matrix name is matS.ldac and the vocab file name is vocabS:
RScript ./Experiment.R S