Artifacts are released in Bintray. For sbt, use resolvers += Resolver.jcenterRepo
, for gradle, use the jcenter()
repository. For maven, go here and click "Set me up".
libraryDependencies += Seq(
"" %% "play" % "2.5.10",
"io.dropwizard.metrics" % "metrics-core" % "3.1.2",
"de.khamrakulov.metrics-reporter-play" %% "reporter-core" % "1.0.2"
compile 'de.khamrakulov.metrics-reporter-play:reporter-core_2.11:1.0.2'
Add the module MetricsReporterModule
to your application.conf
play.modules.enabled += ""
The MetricsReporter
will create and appropriately register reporters for configured registry.
metrics {
registry = "default"
Name | Default | Description |
registry | default | Registry name to be used |
metrics {
reporters = [
type: <type>
durationUnit: "milliseconds"
rateUnit: "seconds"
frequency: "1 minute"
Name | Default | Description |
durationUnit | milliseconds | The unit to report durations as. Overrides per-metric duration units. |
rateUnit | seconds | The unit to report rates as. Overrides per-metric rate units. |
frequency | 1 minute | The frequency to report metrics. Overrides the default. |
metrics {
reporters = [
type: "console"
timeZone: "UTC"
output: "stdout"
Name | Default | Description |
timeZone | UTC | The timezone to display dates/times for. |
output | stdout | The stream to write to. One of stdout or stderr . |
metrics {
reporters = [
type: "graphite"
host: "localhost"
port: "8080"
prefix: <prefix>
sender: <sender>
Name | Default | Description |
host | localhost | The hostname of the Graphite server to report to. |
port | 8080 | The stream to write to. One of stdout or stderr. |
prefix | (none) | The prefix for Metric key names to report to Graphite. |
sender | graphite | Sender that is used to send metrics to Graphite. |
metrics {
reporters = [
type: "ganglia"
host: localhost
port: 8649
mode: unicast
ttl: 1
uuid: (none)
spoof: "localhost:8649"
tmax: 60
dmax: 0
prefix: <prefix>
Name | Default | Description |
host | localhost | The hostname (or group) of the Ganglia server(s) to report to. |
port | 8649 | The port of the Ganglia server(s) to report to. |
mode | unicast | The UDP addressing mode to announce the metrics with. One of unicast or multicast. |
ttl | 1 | The time-to-live of the UDP packets for the announced metrics. |
uuid | (none) | The UUID to tag announced metrics with. |
spoof | (none) | The hostname and port to use instead of this nodes for the announced metrics. In the format hostname:port. |
tmax | 60 | The tmax value to announce metrics with. |
dmax | 0 | The dmax value to announce metrics with. |
prefix | (none) | The prefix for Metric key names to report to Graphite. |
- Add more reporters