NodeJS service to generate SDRs for images
Copy config_example.yml into a file named config.yml
Enter your and Clarifai API keys in config.yml
Create a folder called "uploads", where uploaded files will temporarily be stored
The URLs to Retina and Clarifai APIs can be changed if they are running in another location.
The Retina name and Clarifai model can be changed
The sparsity of the generated SDRs can be changed from default 0.02 (if set to 1, generates union SDRs)
The listening port can be modified
Dockerfile is included for running service in a container
If running in Docker, use the -v flag to mount a host folder to /usr/src/app/uploads
Set Environment to "Production" to disable verbose logging
TODO: Support proxy config
Expects an image file attachment, and returns an SDR.
HTTP code 200 indicates success.
Response is in JSON format: { sdr: [] }