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My -ethereum -Wallet -Repository ( details any Address profile decompile /Storage/emulate/memory/data / parity Transaction Create and combine from owned :ruzyysmartt

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My -ethereum -Wallet -Repository ( details any Address profile decompile /Storage/emulate/memory/data / parity Transaction Create and combine from owned :ruzyysmartt

My-ethereum-Wallet-reposentory 26 Apr 2019 # Decompiled source of 0x3023868433F6086cd8CE0C4083fe2E11B37ce0B7 # # Let's make the world open source # def storage: owner is addr at storage 0 unknown130a8acd is uint256 at storage 1 answer is uint256 at storage 2 unknown187e167c is array of uint256 at storage 3 def unknown130a8acd(): # not payable return unknown130a8acd def unknown187e167c(): # not payable return unknown187e167c[0 len unknown187e167c.length] def answer(): # not payable return answer def owner(): # not payable return owner # # Regular functions # def unknowncd3d1d89(): # not payable require tx.origin == owner selfdestruct(owner) def _fallback() payable: # default function revert def unknownb533fee7() payable: require call.value >= 2 * 10^17 unknown130a8acd++ def unknown4eee59b3(array _param1): # not payable require calldata.size - 4 >= 32 require _param1 <= 4294967296 require _param1 + 36 <= calldata.size require _param1.length <= 4294967296 and _param1 + _param1.length + 36 <= calldata.size if unknown130a8acd >′ 0: if owner == tx.origin: mem[288 len _param1.length] = _param1[all] mem[_param1.length + 288] = 0 if sha3(64, 128, 13, 'saltysaltsalt', _param1.length, _param1[all], mem[_param1.length + 288 len ceil32(_param1.length) - _param1.length]) == answer: call caller with: value 2 * 10^17 wei gas gas_remaining wei unknown130a8acd--

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My -ethereum -Wallet -Repository ( details any Address profile decompile /Storage/emulate/memory/data / parity Transaction Create and combine from owned :ruzyysmartt






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