This repository contains code and documentation for the Snowflake assignment.
- The Snowflake warehouse used for this assignment is named assingment_wh .
- The database utilized in this assignment is called assingment_db under and schema my_schema.
The CSV file used in this assignment is named emp_assignment.csv. It contains the data required for the loading.
An external stage table was created so that using Amazon S3 we can get the data back . The stage table provides a way to load data from files stored in an S3 bucket directly into Snowflake.
Name: my_emp_stage for internal staging , my_emp_external_stage for external staging
├── src
├── assingment.sql # Source files (containing .sql file)
├── data
├── emp_assingment.csv # contains emp_assingment.csv dataset
- According to the sql commands written in ./src/assingment.sql we have created warehouse,database and schema
- After that according to question requirements, created different roles and assinged grants accordingly
- Using admin role run all the queries according to the comments (sometimes we need accountadmin to grant privileges to admin)
- Created Table and loaded data from internal and external stages as mentioned above.
- for internal staging