My personal exploration of using the SAP Fiori Fundamental (s)css library with React.JS and TypeScript.
- clone or download this repo
yarn install && yarn start
(or use npm)- go play with
Fiori etc:
Web design good practices:
React and TypeScript:
bootstrapped as described here:
- using the webpack approach
- useful reading for the why Typescript with Babel:
added webpack html plugin with template configuration
added linting, webpack-dev-server and react hot loading
added css/style/font loader
yarn add typescript tslint @babel/core @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-typescript react-dom react @types/react @types/react-dom @babel/preset-react webpack babel-loader webpack-dev-server webpack-cli react-hot-loader css-loader style-loader file-loader html-webpack-plugin -D
yarn add fiori-fundamentals -D
typescript- routing: react-router-dom + react-app-location - work in progress
- sidebar items as links to routes
- main page content - Welcome to this wonderful app
- page for global navigation settings
- page for pages
- sidebar shows active page
- i18n