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"warn" + no-multiple-empty-lines: + - "warn" + - max: 1 + no-tabs: + - "warn" + - allowIndentationTabs: true + no-trailing-spaces: + - "warn" + - skipBlankLines: false + ignoreComments: false + no-whitespace-before-property: + - "warn" + nonblock-statement-body-position: + - "warn" + - "beside" + object-curly-newline: + - "warn" + - multiline: true + consistent: true + object-curly-spacing: + - "warn" + - "always" + operator-linebreak: + - "warn" + padded-blocks: + - "warn" + - "never" + - allowSingleLineBlocks: false + padding-line-between-statements: + - "warn" + quotes: + - "warn" + - "double" + - avoidEscape: false + allowTemplateLiterals: true + rest-spread-spacing: + - "warn" + - "never" + semi: + - "warn" + - "always" + - omitLastInOneLineBlock: false + omitLastInOneLineClassBody: false + semi-spacing: + - "warn" + - before: false + after: true + semi-style: + - "warn" + - "last" + space-before-blocks: + - "warn" + - "always" + space-before-function-paren: + - "warn" + - anonymous: "always" + named: "never" + asyncArrow: "always" + space-in-parens: + - "warn" + - "never" + space-infix-ops: + - "warn" + space-unary-ops: + - "warn" + switch-colon-spacing: + - "warn" + - before: false + after: true + template-curly-spacing: + - "warn" + - "never" + template-tag-spacing: + - "warn" + - "never" + wrap-iife: + - "warn" + - "any" + yield-star-spacing: + - "warn" + - before: false + after: true + "@typescript-eslint/adjacent-overload-signatures": + - "warn" + "@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment": + - "warn" + - ts-expect-error: "allow-with-description" + ts-ignore: "allow-with-description" + ts-nocheck: "allow-with-description" + ts-check: "allow-with-description" + "@typescript-eslint/ban-tslint-comment": + - "warn" diff --git a/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14b61c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://json.schemastore.org/github-workflow.json +name: "CodeQL - Analysis" +on: + push: + branches: + - "**" + pull_request: + branches: + - "**" + types: + - "edited" + - "opened" + - "reopened" + - "synchronize" + workflow_dispatch: +permissions: + contents: "read" + security-events: "write" +jobs: + main: + name: "Main" + uses: "hugoalh/hugoalh/.github/workflows/call-codeql-analysis-0.yml@main" diff --git a/.npmrc b/.npmrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..325503d --- /dev/null +++ b/.npmrc @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +git-tag-version=false +lockfile-version=2 diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index bc43be1..9c1d68b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ |:-:|:-:|:-:| | [![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/badge/GitHub-181717?logo=github&logoColor=ffffff&style=flat-square "GitHub")](https://github.com/hugoalh/disk-space-optimizer-ghaction) | ![GitHub Latest Release Version](https://img.shields.io/github/release/hugoalh/disk-space-optimizer-ghaction?sort=semver&label=&style=flat-square "GitHub Latest Release Version") (![GitHub Latest Release Date](https://img.shields.io/github/release-date/hugoalh/disk-space-optimizer-ghaction?label=&style=flat-square "GitHub Latest Release Date")) | ![GitHub Latest Pre-Release Version](https://img.shields.io/github/release/hugoalh/disk-space-optimizer-ghaction?include_prereleases&sort=semver&label=&style=flat-square "GitHub Latest Pre-Release Version") (![GitHub Latest Pre-Release Date](https://img.shields.io/github/release-date-pre/hugoalh/disk-space-optimizer-ghaction?label=&style=flat-square "GitHub Latest Pre-Release Date")) | -A GitHub Action to optimize disk space for GitHub hosted runner. +A GitHub Action to optimize disk space for GitHub-hosted runner. This project is inspired from: @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ This project is inspired from: - [ShubhamTatvamasi/free-disk-space-action](https://github.com/ShubhamTatvamasi/free-disk-space-action) - [ThewApp/free-actions](https://github.com/ThewApp/free-actions) -> **โš ๏ธ Important:** This documentation is v0.7.1 based; To view other version's documentation, please visit the [versions list](https://github.com/hugoalh/disk-space-optimizer-ghaction/tags) and select the correct version. +> **โš ๏ธ Important:** This documentation is v0.8.0 based; To view other version's documentation, please visit the [versions list](https://github.com/hugoalh/disk-space-optimizer-ghaction/tags) and select the correct version. ## ๐ŸŒŸ Feature @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ This project is inspired from: ### GitHub Actions -- **Target Version:** Runner >= v2.308.0, &: - - PowerShell >= v7.2.0 +- **Target Version:** Runner >= v2.311.0, &: + - NodeJS ^ v20.9.0 - **Require Permission:** *N/A* ```yml @@ -68,35 +68,35 @@ jobs: > **๐Ÿงช Experimental:** This is in testing, maybe available in the latest version and/or future version. -`` Whether to operate in asynchronously to reduce the operation duration. +`` Whether to operate in asynchronously to reduce the operation duration. ### `operate_sudo` -`` Whether to execute this action in sudo mode on non-Windows environment. This can set to `True` in order to able operate protected resources on non-Windows environment. +`` Whether to execute this action in sudo mode on non-Windows environment. This can set to `true` in order to able operate protected resources on non-Windows environment. ### `general_include` -`` Remove general item, by regular expression and [general list][list], separate each value per line. +`` Remove general item, by regular expression and [general list][list], separate each value per line. ### `general_exclude` -`` Exclude remove general item, by regular expression and [general list][list], separate each value per line. +`` Exclude remove general item, by regular expression and [general list][list], separate each value per line. ### `docker_include` -`` Remove Docker image, by regular expression, separate each value per line. +`` Remove Docker image, by regular expression, separate each value per line. ### `docker_exclude` -`` Exclude remove Docker image, by regular expression, separate each value per line. +`` Exclude remove Docker image, by regular expression, separate each value per line. ### `docker_prune` -`` Whether to prune Docker all of the dangling images. +`` Whether to prune Docker all of the dangling images. ### `docker_clean` -`` Whether to remove Docker cache, include all of the: +`` Whether to remove Docker cache, include all of the: - build caches - stopped/unused containers @@ -105,37 +105,37 @@ jobs: ### `apt_enable` -**๐Ÿ”€{E}** `` Whether to optimize via APT. Only affect general optimization. +**๐Ÿ”€{E}** `` Whether to optimize via APT. Only affect general optimization. -If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `False`, this input will default to `True`. +If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `false`, this input will default to `true`. ### `apt_prune` -`` Whether to prune APT (Advanced Packaging Tools) all of the packages that were automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for other packages and are now no longer needed. +`` Whether to prune APT (Advanced Packaging Tools) all of the packages that were automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for other packages and are now no longer needed. ### `apt_clean` -`` Whether to remove APT (Advanced Packaging Tools) cache, include the local repository of retrieved package files. +`` Whether to remove APT (Advanced Packaging Tools) cache, include the local repository of retrieved package files. ### `chocolatey_enable` -**๐Ÿ”€{E}** `` Whether to optimize via Chocolatey. Only affect general optimization. +**๐Ÿ”€{E}** `` Whether to optimize via Chocolatey. Only affect general optimization. -If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `False`, this input will default to `True`. +If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `false`, this input will default to `true`. ### `homebrew_enable` -**๐Ÿ”€{E}** `` Whether to optimize via Homebrew. Only affect general optimization. +**๐Ÿ”€{E}** `` Whether to optimize via Homebrew. Only affect general optimization. -If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `False`, this input will default to `True`. +If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `false`, this input will default to `true`. ### `homebrew_prune` -`` Whether to prune Homebrew all of the packages that were only installed as a dependency of other packages and are now no longer needed. +`` Whether to prune Homebrew all of the packages that were only installed as a dependency of other packages and are now no longer needed. ### `homebrew_clean` -`` Whether to remove Homebrew cache, include all of the: +`` Whether to remove Homebrew cache, include all of the: - outdated downloads - old versions of installed formulae @@ -143,39 +143,39 @@ If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `False`, this input will defau ### `npm_enable` -**๐Ÿ”€{E}** `` Whether to optimize via NPM. Only affect general optimization. +**๐Ÿ”€{E}** `` Whether to optimize via NPM. Only affect general optimization. -If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `False`, this input will default to `True`. +If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `false`, this input will default to `true`. ### `npm_prune` -`` Whether to prune NPM (NodeJS Package Manager) all of the extraneous packages. +`` Whether to prune NPM (NodeJS Package Manager) all of the extraneous packages. ### `npm_clean` -`` Whether to remove NPM (NodeJS Package Manager) cache. +`` Whether to remove NPM (NodeJS Package Manager) cache. ### `pipx_enable` -**๐Ÿ”€{E}** `` Whether to optimize via Pipx. Only affect general optimization. +**๐Ÿ”€{E}** `` Whether to optimize via Pipx. Only affect general optimization. -If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `False`, this input will default to `True`. +If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `false`, this input will default to `true`. ### `wmic_enable` -**๐Ÿ”€{E}** `` Whether to optimize via WMIC. Only affect general optimization. +**๐Ÿ”€{E}** `` Whether to optimize via WMIC. Only affect general optimization. -If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `False`, this input will default to `True`. +If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `false`, this input will default to `true`. ### `fs_enable` -**๐Ÿ”€{E}** `` Whether to optimize via file system. +**๐Ÿ”€{E}** `` Whether to optimize via file system. -If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `False`, this input will default to `True`. +If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `false`, this input will default to `true`. ### `os_swap` -`` Whether to remove system page/swap file. +`` Whether to remove system page/swap file. ## ๐Ÿงฉ Output @@ -189,20 +189,20 @@ If all of the inputs inside this switch group are `False`, this input will defau runs-on: "ubuntu-latest" steps: - name: "Optimize Disk Space" - uses: "hugoalh/disk-space-optimizer-ghaction@v0.7.0" + uses: "hugoalh/disk-space-optimizer-ghaction@v0.8.0" with: - operate_sudo: "True" + operate_sudo: "true" general_include: ".+" docker_include: ".+" - docker_prune: "True" - docker_clean: "True" - apt_prune: "True" - apt_clean: "True" - homebrew_prune: "True" - homebrew_clean: "True" - npm_prune: "True" - npm_clean: "True" - os_swap: "True" + docker_prune: "true" + docker_clean: "true" + apt_prune: "true" + apt_clean: "true" + homebrew_prune: "true" + homebrew_clean: "true" + npm_prune: "true" + npm_clean: "true" + os_swap: "true" ``` ## ๐Ÿ“š Guide diff --git a/action.yml b/action.yml index fa63df1..6d5f95c 100644 --- a/action.yml +++ b/action.yml @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://json.schemastore.org/github-action.json name: "Disk Space Optimizer" author: "hugoalh" -description: "Optimize disk space for GitHub hosted runner." +description: "Optimize disk space for GitHub-hosted runner." inputs: operate_async: - description: "[EXPERIMENTAL] {Boolean} Whether to operate in asynchronously to reduce the operation duration." + description: "[EXPERIMENTAL] {boolean} Whether to operate in asynchronously to reduce the operation duration." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" operate_sudo: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to execute this action in sudo mode on non-Windows environment." + description: "{boolean} Whether to execute this action in sudo mode on non-Windows environment." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" general_include: description: "{RegEx[]} Remove general item." required: false @@ -28,152 +28,73 @@ inputs: required: false default: "" docker_prune: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to prune Docker all of the dangling images." + description: "{boolean} Whether to prune Docker all of the dangling images." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" docker_clean: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to remove Docker cache." + description: "{boolean} Whether to remove Docker cache." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" apt_enable: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to optimize via APT." + description: "{boolean} Whether to optimize via APT." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" apt_prune: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to prune APT package." + description: "{boolean} Whether to prune APT package." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" apt_clean: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to remove APT cache." + description: "{boolean} Whether to remove APT cache." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" chocolatey_enable: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to optimize via Chocolatey." + description: "{boolean} Whether to optimize via Chocolatey." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" homebrew_enable: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to optimize via Homebrew." + description: "{boolean} Whether to optimize via Homebrew." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" homebrew_prune: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to prune Homebrew package." + description: "{boolean} Whether to prune Homebrew package." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" homebrew_clean: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to remove Homebrew cache." + description: "{boolean} Whether to remove Homebrew cache." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" npm_enable: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to optimize via NPM." + description: "{boolean} Whether to optimize via NPM." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" npm_prune: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to prune NPM package." + description: "{boolean} Whether to prune NPM package." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" npm_clean: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to remove NPM cache." + description: "{boolean} Whether to remove NPM cache." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" pipx_enable: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to optimize via Pipx." + description: "{boolean} Whether to optimize via Pipx." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" wmic_enable: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to optimize via WMIC." + description: "{boolean} Whether to optimize via WMIC." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" fs_enable: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to optimize via file system." + description: "{boolean} Whether to optimize via file system." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" os_swap: - description: "{Boolean} Whether to remove system page/swap file." + description: "{boolean} Whether to remove system page/swap file." required: false - default: "False" + default: "false" runs: - using: "composite" - steps: - - name: "Setup PowerShell Toolkit (Sudo)" - if: "${{inputs.operate_sudo == 'True'}}" - uses: "hugoalh-studio/setup-powershell-toolkit-ghaction@v1.6.0" - with: - sudo: "${{inputs.operate_sudo}}" - version: "^1.7.2" - scope: "AllUsers" - keepsetting: "False" - continue-on-error: true - - name: "Setup PowerShell Toolkit" - if: "${{inputs.operate_sudo != 'True'}}" - uses: "hugoalh-studio/setup-powershell-toolkit-ghaction@v1.6.0" - with: - sudo: "${{inputs.operate_sudo}}" - version: "^1.7.2" - scope: "CurrentUser" - keepsetting: "False" - continue-on-error: true - - name: "Main" - run: | - #Requires -PSEdition Core -Version 7.2 - $Script:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' - Get-Alias -Scope 'Local' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' | - Remove-Alias -Scope 'Local' -Force -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' - Import-Module -Name 'hugoalh.GitHubActionsToolkit' -Scope 'Local' - Test-GitHubActionsEnvironment -Mandatory - [String]$MainScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $Env:GITHUB_ACTION_PATH -ChildPath 'main.ps1' - If (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $MainScriptPath -PathType 'Leaf')) { - Write-GitHubActionsFail -Message 'Invalid script path!' - } - [Boolean]$InputOperateSudo = [Boolean]::Parse($Env:INPUT_OPERATE_SUDO) - If ($InputOperateSudo -and $Env:RUNNER_OS -iin @('Linux', 'MacOS')) { - sudo --non-interactive --preserve-env pwsh -NonInteractive $MainScriptPath - } - Else { - pwsh -NonInteractive $MainScriptPath - } - shell: "pwsh" - env: - INPUT_APT_CLEAN: "${{inputs.apt_clean}}" - INPUT_APT_ENABLE: "${{inputs.apt_enable}}" - INPUT_APT_PRUNE: "${{inputs.apt_prune}}" - INPUT_CHOCOLATEY_ENABLE: "${{inputs.chocolatey_enable}}" - INPUT_DOCKER_CLEAN: "${{inputs.docker_clean}}" - INPUT_DOCKER_EXCLUDE: "${{inputs.docker_exclude}}" - INPUT_DOCKER_INCLUDE: "${{inputs.docker_include}}" - INPUT_DOCKER_PRUNE: "${{inputs.docker_prune}}" - INPUT_FS_ENABLE: "${{inputs.fs_enable}}" - INPUT_GENERAL_EXCLUDE: "${{inputs.general_exclude}}" - INPUT_GENERAL_INCLUDE: "${{inputs.general_include}}" - INPUT_HOMEBREW_CLEAN: "${{inputs.homebrew_clean}}" - INPUT_HOMEBREW_ENABLE: "${{inputs.homebrew_enable}}" - INPUT_HOMEBREW_PRUNE: "${{inputs.homebrew_prune}}" - INPUT_NPM_CLEAN: "${{inputs.npm_clean}}" - INPUT_NPM_ENABLE: "${{inputs.npm_enable}}" - INPUT_NPM_PRUNE: "${{inputs.npm_prune}}" - INPUT_OPERATE_ASYNC: "${{inputs.operate_async}}" - INPUT_OPERATE_SUDO: "${{inputs.operate_sudo}}" - INPUT_OS_SWAP: "${{inputs.os_swap}}" - INPUT_PIPX_ENABLE: "${{inputs.pipx_enable}}" - INPUT_WMIC_ENABLE: "${{inputs.wmic_enable}}" - continue-on-error: true - - name: "Setup PowerShell Toolkit (Sudo)" - if: "${{inputs.operate_sudo == 'True'}}" - uses: "hugoalh-studio/setup-powershell-toolkit-ghaction@v1.6.0" - with: - sudo: "${{inputs.operate_sudo}}" - version: "False" - scope: "AllUsers" - keepsetting: "False" - continue-on-error: true - - name: "Setup PowerShell Toolkit" - if: "${{inputs.operate_sudo != 'True'}}" - uses: "hugoalh-studio/setup-powershell-toolkit-ghaction@v1.6.0" - with: - sudo: "${{inputs.operate_sudo}}" - version: "False" - scope: "CurrentUser" - keepsetting: "False" - continue-on-error: true + using: "node20" + pre: "dist/pre.js" + main: "dist/main.js" branding: icon: "hard-drive" color: "green" diff --git a/bundler.js b/bundler.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48cce6b --- /dev/null +++ b/bundler.js @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +import { mkdir as fsMkdir, readdir as fsReaddir, rm as fsRm, writeFile as fsWriteFile } from "node:fs/promises"; +import { dirname as pathDirname, join as pathJoin } from "node:path"; +import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url"; +import ncc from "@vercel/ncc"; +const workspace = pathDirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); +const directoryInput = pathJoin(workspace, "temp"); +const directoryOutput = pathJoin(workspace, "dist"); +const scripts = new Set([ + "main.js" +]); + +// Initialize output directory. +await fsMkdir(directoryOutput, { recursive: true }); +for (const fileName of await fsReaddir(directoryOutput)) { + await fsRm(pathJoin(directoryOutput, fileName), { maxRetries: 4, recursive: true }); +} + +// Create bundle. +for (const script of scripts.values()) { + const { code } = await ncc(pathJoin(directoryInput, script), { + assetBuilds: false, + cache: false, + debugLog: false, + license: "", + minify: true, + quiet: false, + sourceMap: false, + sourceMapRegister: false, + target: "es2022", + v8cache: false, + watch: false + }); + await fsWriteFile(pathJoin(directoryOutput, script), code, { encoding: "utf8" }); +} diff --git a/list.json b/list.json deleted file mode 100644 index 41610e3..0000000 --- a/list.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1666 +0,0 @@ -{ - "$schema": "./list.schema.json", - "Collection": [ - { - "Name": "AliYun", - "Description": "AliYun (Alibaba Cloud)", - "Postpone": 0, - "Homebrew": [ - "aliyun-cli" - ], - "PathLinux": [ - "/usr/local/bin/aliyun" - ], - "PathWindows": [ - "C:\\aliyun-cli" - ] - }, - { - "Name": "AndroidNDK", - "Description": "Android NDK", - "Postpone": 0, - "Homebrew": [ - "android-ndk" - ], - "Env": [ - "ANDROID_HOME", - "ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", - "ANDROID_ROOT", - "ANDROID_SDK_ROOT" - ], - "PathLinux": [ - "/usr/local/lib/android" - ], - "PathMacOS": [ - "/Users/runner/.android", - "/Users/runner/Library/Android" - ], - "PathWindows": [ - "C:\\Android", - "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Android" - ] - }, - { - "Name": "Ansible", - "Description": "Ansible", - "Postpone": 0, - "Homebrew": [ - 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"azure-cli" + wmic: + - "Azure Cosmos DB Emulator" + - "Microsoft Azure*" + env: + - "AZURE_EXTENSION_DIR" + pathLinux: + - "/opt/az" + - "/usr/lib/linux-azure-tools-*" + - "/usr/lib/modules/*-azure" + - "/usr/share/az_*" + pathMacOS: + - "/Users/runner/.Azure" +- name: "Bazel" + description: "Bazel" + postpone: 0 + chocolatey: + - "bazel" + homebrew: + - "bazel" + - "bazelisk" + npm: + - "'@bazel/bazelisk'" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/local/bin/bazel" + - "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@bazel" +- name: "Bicep" + description: "Azure Bicep" + postpone: 0 + chocolatey: + - "bicep" + homebrew: + - "bicep" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/local/bin/bicep" + pathMacOS: + - "/Users/runner/.net/bicep" +- name: "Chromium" + description: "Chromium" + postpone: 0 + homebrew: + - "chromium" + env: + - "CHROMIUM_DIR" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/chromium-browser" + - "/usr/bin/chromium" + - "/usr/local/share/chromium" +- name: "Clang" + description: "Clang" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "^clang-.*" + - "^clang-format-.*" + - "^clang-tidy-.*" + - "^lld-.*" + - "^lldb-.*" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/clang*" + - "/usr/bin/lld-*" + - "/usr/bin/lldb-*" + - "/usr/lib/clang" + - "/usr/share/clang" +- name: "CloudFoundry" + description: "Cloud Foundry" + postpone: 0 + pathWindows: + - "C:\\cf-cli" +- name: "CodeQL" + description: "CodeQL" + postpone: 0 + homebrew: + - "codeql" + pathLinux: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%/CodeQL" + - "/opt/hostedtoolcache/CodeQL" + pathMacOS: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%/CodeQL" + - "/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/CodeQL" + pathWindows: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%\\CodeQL" +- name: "DotNet" + description: ".Net" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "^aspnetcore-.*" + - "^dotnet-.*" + homebrew: + - "dotnet" + wmic: + - "Microsoft .NET*" + - "Microsoft ASP.NET*" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/dotnet" + - "/usr/share/dotnet" + pathMacOS: + - "%HOME%/.dotnet" + - "/Users/runner/.dotnet" + - "/usr/local/bin/dotnet" + pathWindows: + - "C:\\Program Files\\dotnet" + - "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet" + - "C:\\Users\\Default\\.dotnet" +- name: "EpicGames" + description: "Epic Games" + postpone: 0 + wmic: + - "Epic Games Launcher" + - "Epic Online Services" + pathWindows: + - "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Epic Games" +- name: "Erlang" + description: "Erlang" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "esl-erlang" + homebrew: + - "erlang" + - "rebar3" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/local/bin/rebar3" +- name: "Firefox" + description: "Mozilla Firefox Browser" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "firefox" + homebrew: + - "firefox" + wmic: + - "Mozilla Firefox*" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/lib/firefox-addons" + - "/usr/lib/firefox" + pathMacOS: + - "/Applications/Firefox.app" +- name: "G++" + description: "GNU C++ compiler" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "^g\\+\\+.*" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/g++*" + - "/usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-g++*" +- name: "GCC" + description: "GNU C compiler" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "^gcc-.*" + - "gcc" + homebrew: + - "gcc" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/gcc*" + - "/usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc*" + - "/usr/lib/gcc" + - "/usr/share/gcc" +- name: "GeckoWebDriver" + description: "Gecko Web Driver" + postpone: 0 + homebrew: + - "geckodriver" + env: + - "GECKOWEBDRIVER" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/local/share/gecko_driver" + pathMacOS: + - "/usr/local/opt/geckodriver" + pathWindows: + - "C:\\SeleniumWebDrivers\\GeckoDriver" +- name: "GFortran" + description: "GNU Fortran" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "^gfortran-.*" + - "gfortran" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/gfortran*" + - "/usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-gfortran*" +- name: "Go" + description: "Go" + postpone: 0 + homebrew: + - "go" + pathLinux: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%/go" + - "/opt/hostedtoolcache/go" + pathMacOS: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%/go" + - "/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/go" + pathWindows: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%\\go" +- name: "GoogleChrome" + description: "Google Chrome Browser" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "google-chrome-stable" + homebrew: + - "google-chrome" + wmic: + - "Google Chrome" + env: + - "CHROME_BIN" + pathLinux: + - "/opt/google/chrome" + - "/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable" + - "/usr/bin/google-chrome" + pathMacOS: + - "/Applications/Google Chrome.app" +- name: "GoogleChromeWebDriver" + description: "Google Chrome Web Driver" + postpone: 0 + homebrew: + - "chromedriver" + env: + - "CHROMEWEBDRIVER" + - "CHROMEDRIVER_DIR" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/chromedriver" + - "/usr/local/share/chromedriver-linux64" + - "/usr/local/share/chrome_driver" + pathMacOS: + - "/usr/local/Caskroom/chromedriver" + pathWindows: + - "C:\\SeleniumWebDrivers\\ChromeDriver" +- name: "GoogleCloudSDK" + description: "Google Cloud SDK" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "google-cloud-sdk" + homebrew: + - "google-cloud-sdk" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/gcloud*" + - "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk" + - "/usr/share/google-cloud-sdk" +- name: "Gradle" + description: "Gradle" + postpone: 0 + chocolatey: + - "gradle" + homebrew: + - "gradle" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/gradle" + - "/usr/share/gradle-*" +- name: "Grunt" + description: "Grunt" + postpone: 0 + homebrew: + - "grunt-cli" + npm: + - "grunt-cli" + - "grunt" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli" + - "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/grunt" +- name: "Gulp" + description: "Gulp" + postpone: 0 + homebrew: + - "gulp-cli" + npm: + - "gulp-cli" + - "gulp" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/gulp-cli" + - "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/gulp" +- name: "HaskellGHC" + description: "Haskell GHC" + postpone: 0 + pathLinux: + - "/opt/ghc" + - "/usr/local/.ghcup/ghc" + pathMacOS: + - "/Users/runner/.ghcup" +- name: "Heroku" + description: "Heroku" + postpone: 0 + pathLinux: + - "/usr/local/lib/heroku" + pathMacOS: + - "/usr/local/lib/heroku" +- name: "HHVM" + description: "HipHop Virtual Machine" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "hhvm" +- name: "IIS" + description: "IIS" + postpone: 0 + pathWindows: + - "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IIS Express" + - "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IIS" +- name: "ImageMagick" + description: "ImageMagick" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "imagemagick" + - "^imagemagick-.*" +- 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"%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%\\Java_*_jdk\\11.*" +- name: "Java/13" + description: "Java 13" + postpone: 0 + env: + - "JAVA_HOME_13_X64" + pathLinux: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%/Java_*_jdk/13.*" + - "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Java_*_jdk/13.*" + - "/usr/lib/jvm/*-13-jdk-*" + pathMacOS: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%/Java_*_jdk/13.*" + - "/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Java_*_jdk/13.*" + pathWindows: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%\\Java_*_jdk\\13.*" +- name: "Java/17" + description: "Java 17" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "temurin-17-jdk" + env: + - "JAVA_HOME_17_X64" + pathLinux: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%/Java_*_jdk/17.*" + - "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Java_*_jdk/17.*" + - "/usr/lib/jvm/*-17-jdk-*" + pathMacOS: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%/Java_*_jdk/17.*" + - "/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Java_*_jdk/17.*" + pathWindows: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%\\Java_*_jdk\\17.*" +- name: "Java/21" + description: "Java 21" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "temurin-21-jdk" + env: + - "JAVA_HOME_21_X64" + pathLinux: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%/Java_*_jdk/21.*" + - "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Java_*_jdk/21.*" + - "/usr/lib/jvm/*-21-jdk-*" + pathMacOS: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%/Java_*_jdk/21.*" + - "/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Java_*_jdk/21.*" + pathWindows: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%\\Java_*_jdk\\21.*" +- name: "Java/All" + description: "Java (All)" + postpone: 1 + apt: + - "^java-.*" + - ".*-jdk$" + env: + - "JAVA_HOME" + pathLinux: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%/Java_*_jdk" + - "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Java_*_jdk" + - "/usr/lib/jvm" + pathMacOS: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%/Java_*_jdk" + - "/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Java_*_jdk" + pathWindows: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%\\Java_*_jdk" +- name: "Julia" + description: "Julia" + postpone: 0 + chocolatey: + - "julia" + homebrew: + - "julia" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/local/julia*" + - "/usr/bin/julia" + pathMacOS: + - "/Applications/Julia*.app" + pathWindows: + - "C:\\Julia" +- name: "Kotlin" + description: "Kotlin" + postpone: 0 + homebrew: + - "kotlin" + 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"/usr/bin/microsoft-edge-stable" + - "/usr/bin/microsoft-edge" + pathMacOS: + - "/Applications/Microsoft Edge.app" +- name: "MicrosoftEdgeWebDriver" + description: "Microsoft Edge Web Driver" + postpone: 0 + wmic: + - "Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime" + env: + - "EDGEWEBDRIVER" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/edgedriver" + - "/usr/bin/msedgedriver" + - "/usr/local/share/edge_driver" + pathMacOS: + - "/usr/local/bin/msedgedriver" + - "/usr/local/share/edge_driver" + pathWindows: + - "C:\\SeleniumWebDrivers\\EdgeDriver" +- name: "MicrosoftInternetExplorer" + description: "Microsoft Internet Explorer" + postpone: 0 + pathWindows: + - "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Internet Explorer" +- name: "MicrosoftInternetExplorerWebDriver" + description: "Microsoft Internet Explorer Web Driver" + postpone: 0 + env: + - "IEWEBDRIVER" + pathWindows: + - "C:\\SeleniumWebDrivers\\IEDriver" +- name: "Miniconda" + description: "Mini Conda" + postpone: 0 + homebrew: + - "miniconda" + wmic: + - "Miniconda*" + env: + - "CONDA" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/conda" + - "/usr/share/miniconda" + pathMacOS: + - "/usr/local/bin/conda" + - "/usr/local/miniconda" + - "%HOME%/.conda" + pathWindows: + - "C:\\Miniconda" +- name: "MongoDB" + description: "MongoDB" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "^mongodb-.*" + chocolatey: + - "mongodb.install" + - "mongodb" +- name: "Mono" + description: "Mono" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "^mono-.*" + - "^monodoc-.*" + homebrew: + - "mono" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/mono-*" + - "/usr/bin/mono" + - "/usr/lib/mono-source-libs" + - "/usr/lib/mono" + - "/usr/lib/monodoc" + - "/usr/share/mono-*" + - "/usr/share/mono" + - "/usr/share/monodoc" +- name: "MSSQL" + description: "MS SQL" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "mssql-tools" + - "unixodbc-dev" + powershellGet: + - "SqlServer" + pathLinux: + - "/opt/mssql-tools" + pathWindows: + - "%PROGRAMFILES%\\Microsoft SQL Server" + - "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server" +- name: "MySQL" + description: "MySQL" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "^mysql-.*" + - "libmysqlclient-dev" + homebrew: + - "mysql-client" + - "mysql" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/mysql*" + - "/usr/lib/mysql" + - "/usr/share/mysql-*" + - "/usr/share/mysql" +- name: "Netlify" + description: "Netlify" + postpone: 0 + homebrew: + - "netlify-cli" + npm: + - "netlify-cli" + - "netlify" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify" + - "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli" +- name: "Newman" + description: "Newman" + postpone: 0 + npm: + - "newman" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/newman" +- name: "Nginx" + description: "Nginx" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "nginx" + homebrew: + - "nginx" + pathMacOS: + - "/usr/local/etc/nginx" + pathWindows: + - "C:\\tools\\nginx*" +- name: "NVMBuild" + description: "NVM (NodeJS Version Manager) Build" + postpone: 0 + pathLinux: + - "/home/runner/.nvm/.dockerignore" + - "/home/runner/.nvm/.editorconfig" + - "/home/runner/.nvm/.git" + - "/home/runner/.nvm/.github" + - "/home/runner/.nvm/.gitignore" + - "/home/runner/.nvm/.mailmap" + - "/home/runner/.nvm/.npmrc" + - "/home/runner/.nvm/.travis.yml" + - "/home/runner/.nvm/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md" + - "/home/runner/.nvm/CONTRIBUTING.md" + - "/home/runner/.nvm/Dockerfile" + - "/home/runner/.nvm/GOVERNANCE.md" + - "/home/runner/.nvm/ROADMAP.md" + - "/home/runner/.nvm/test" + pathMacOS: + - "/Users/runner/.nvm/.dockerignore" + - "/Users/runner/.nvm/.editorconfig" + - "/Users/runner/.nvm/.git" + - "/Users/runner/.nvm/.github" + - "/Users/runner/.nvm/.gitignore" + - "/Users/runner/.nvm/.mailmap" + - "/Users/runner/.nvm/.npmrc" + - "/Users/runner/.nvm/.travis.yml" + - "/Users/runner/.nvm/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md" + - "/Users/runner/.nvm/CONTRIBUTING.md" + - "/Users/runner/.nvm/Dockerfile" + - "/Users/runner/.nvm/GOVERNANCE.md" + - "/Users/runner/.nvm/ROADMAP.md" + - "/Users/runner/.nvm/test" +- name: "OpenGLDRI" + description: "OpenGL API DRI Modules" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "libgl1-mesa-dri" +- name: "OpenShiftClient" + description: "OpenShift Client" + postpone: 0 + pathLinux: + - "/usr/local/bin/oc" +- name: "Packer" + description: "Packer" + postpone: 0 + pathLinux: + - "/usr/local/bin/packer" +- name: "Parcel" + description: "Parcel" + postpone: 0 + npm: + - "parcel" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/parcel" +- name: "Perl" + description: "Perl" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "^perl.*" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/perl*" + - "/usr/share/perl*" +- name: "Pester" + description: "Pester" + postpone: 0 + powershellGet: + - "Pester" +- name: "PhantomJS" + description: "Phantom JS" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "phantomjs" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/local/bin/phantomjs" + - "/usr/local/share/phantomjs*" +- name: "PHP" + description: "PHP" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "^php.*" + - "snmp" + chocolatey: + - "php" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/bin/php*" + - "/usr/local/bin/phpunit" + - "/usr/lib/php" + - "/usr/share/php*" + pathWindows: + - "C:\\tools\\php" +- name: "pipx" + description: "pipx" + postpone: 9 + env: + - "PIPX_BIN_DIR" + - "PIPX_HOME" + 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"/usr/bin/R" + - "/usr/lib/R" + - "/usr/local/lib/R" + - "/usr/share/R" + pathWindows: + - "C:\\Program Files\\R" +- name: "Ruby" + description: "Ruby" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "ruby" + - "ruby3.0" + - "^ruby-.*" + - "^ruby3.0-.*" + pathLinux: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%/Ruby" + - "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Ruby" + - "/usr/bin/ruby*" + - "/usr/lib/ruby" + pathMacOS: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%/Ruby" + - "/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Ruby" + pathWindows: + - "%AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY%\\Ruby" +- name: "Rust" + description: "Rust" + postpone: 0 + homebrew: + - "rustup-init" + env: + - "CARGO_HOME" + - "RUSTUP_HOME" +- name: "Selenium" + description: "Selenium" + postpone: 0 + env: + - "SELENIUM_JAR_PATH" + pathLinux: + - "/usr/share/java/selenium-server.jar" + pathWindows: + - "C:\\selenium\\selenium-server.jar" +- name: "Sphinx" + description: "Sphinx" + postpone: 0 + apt: + - "sphinxsearch" +- name: "SQLPackage" + description: "SQL Package" + postpone: 0 + pathLinux: + - 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`0`. + */ + success: boolean; +} +/** + * Execute child process. + * @param {string[]} command Command. + * @param {Parameters[2]} [options={}] Options. + * @returns {Promise} Result. + */ +export function executeChildProcess(command: string[], options: Parameters[2] = {}): Promise { + return new Promise((resolve: (value: ChildProcessResult) => void): void => { + const cp: ChildProcess = spawn(command[0], command.slice(1), options); + let stderr = ""; + let stdout = ""; + cp.stderr.on("data", (chunk: string): void => { + stderr += chunk; + }); + cp.stdout.on("data", (chunk: string): void => { + stdout += chunk; + }); + cp.on("close", (code: number): void => { + resolve({ + code, + stderr, + stdout, + success: code === 0 + }); + }); + }); +} diff --git a/src/main.ts b/src/main.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/src/pre.ts b/src/pre.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0abe0da --- /dev/null +++ b/src/pre.ts @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +import { getBooleanInput as ghactionsGetBooleanInput } from "@actions/core"; +if (ghactionsGetBooleanInput("operate_pre", { required: true })) { + +} diff --git a/src/worker.ts b/src/worker.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9c979b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/worker.ts @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +import { getInput as ghactionsGetInput, getBooleanInput as ghactionsGetBooleanInput, getMultilineInput as ghactionsGetMultilineInput } from "@actions/core"; +import yaml from "yaml"; +import which from "which"; +import { executeChildProcess, type ChildProcessResult } from "./execute.js"; +function getBooleanInputRequire(name: string): boolean { + return ghactionsGetBooleanInput(name, { + required: true, + trimWhitespace: false + }); +} +function getRegExpInputOptional(name: string): RegExp | undefined { + const raw: string = ghactionsGetInput(name, { trimWhitespace: false }).split(/\r?\n/gu).filter((value: string): boolean => { + return (value.length > 0); + }).join("|"); + return ((raw.length > 0) ? new RegExp(raw, "u") : undefined); +} +interface DSOListElement { + name: string; + description: string; + postpone: number; + apt?: string[]; + chocolatey?: string[]; + homebrew?: string[]; + npm?: string[]; + pipx?: string[]; + powershellGet?: string[]; + wmic?: string[]; + env?: string[]; + pathLinux?: string[]; + pathMacOS?: string[]; + pathWindows?: string[]; +} +let inputAptClean: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("apt_clean"); +let inputAptEnable: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("apt_enable"); +let inputAptPrune: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("apt_prune"); +let inputChocolateyEnable: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("chocolatey_enable"); +let inputDockerClean: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("docker_clean"); +const inputDockerExclude: RegExp | undefined = getRegExpInputOptional("docker_exclude"); +const inputDockerInclude: RegExp | undefined = getRegExpInputOptional("docker_include"); +let inputDockerPrune: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("docker_prune"); +let inputFsEnable: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("fs_enable"); +const inputGeneralExclude: RegExp | undefined = getRegExpInputOptional("general_exclude"); +const inputGeneralInclude: RegExp | undefined = getRegExpInputOptional("general_include"); +let inputHomebrewClean: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("homebrew_clean"); +let inputHomebrewEnable: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("homebrew_enable"); +let inputHomebrewPrune: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("homebrew_prune"); +let inputNpmClean: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("npm_clean"); +let inputNpmEnable: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("npm_enable"); +let inputNpmPrune: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("npm_prune"); +let inputOperateAsync: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("operate_async"); +let inputOperateSudo: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("operate_sudo"); +let inputOsSwap: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("os_swap"); +let inputPipxEnable: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("pipx_enable"); +let inputWmicEnable: boolean = getBooleanInputRequire("wmic_enable"); +if (!inputAptEnable && !inputChocolateyEnable && !inputFsEnable && !inputHomebrewEnable && !inputNpmEnable && !inputPipxEnable && !inputWmicEnable) { + inputAptEnable = true; + inputChocolateyEnable = true; + inputFsEnable = true; + inputHomebrewEnable = true; + inputNpmEnable = true; + inputPipxEnable = true; + inputWmicEnable = true; +} +interface DSORegistryMeta { + isExist: boolean; + list?: () => Promise; + remove: (packages: string[], sudo: boolean) => Promise; +} +const registries: Record = { + apt: { + isExist: typeof await which("apt-get", { nothrow: true }) === "string", + remove: (packages: string[], sudo: boolean): Promise => { + const command: string[] = ["apt-get", "--assume-yes", "remove", ...packages, "*>&1"]; + if (sudo) { + return executeChildProcess(["sudo", ...command]); + } + return executeChildProcess(command); + } + }, + chocolatey: { + isExist: typeof await which("choco", { nothrow: true }) === "string", + remove: (packages: string[], sudo: boolean): Promise => { + const command: string[] = ["choco", "uninstall", "remove", ...packages, "*>&1"]; + if (sudo) { + return executeChildProcess(["sudo", ...command]); + } + return executeChildProcess(command); + } + } +}; diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6cda66f --- /dev/null +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + "compileOnSave": true, + "compilerOptions": { + "allowJs": true, + "declaration": false, + "declarationMap": false, + "emitBOM": false, + "emitDeclarationOnly": false, + "esModuleInterop": true, + "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, + "module": "NodeNext", + "moduleResolution": "NodeNext", + "outDir": "./temp", + "target": "ES2022" + }, + "include": [ + "./src/**/*.ts" + ] +}