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Mike Perham edited this page Jun 23, 2016 · 2 revisions

This page shows you how to tweak the most-commonly needed configuration knobs.

Redis Location

For development purposes, defaults to a Redis location of "localhost:6379" with no password. In staging and production, you'll want to configure that location by using a special set of environment variables.

  • REDIS_PROVIDER tells the name of the environment variable which contains the Redis URL, e.g. REDIS_PROVIDER=FOOBAR_URL.
  • FOOBAR_URL contains the actual Redis URL: redis://

This scheme of an env var which points to another env var works perfectly on a system like Heroku where your Redis add-on will give you an env var, e.g. REDISTOGO_URL. You just need to point to that var:


Logging Output only logs to STDOUT by design. You use systemd or upstart to start the process; the init system provides tools to control log output, rotation, etc.

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