Note: Only crawls the DOH website if RUN_SITE_CRAWLER
is set. Daily api call:
Has total test results
Sample data:
date 20200328
state "HI"
positive 120
negative 4357
pending 3
hospitalized 8
death 0
total 4480
hash "89688658eb0c2ae49b9d4f3e1fbd2475ba645063"
dateChecked "2020-03-28T20:00:00Z"
totalTestResults 4477
fips "15"
deathIncrease 0
hospitalizedIncrease 1
negativeIncrease 0
positiveIncrease 14
totalTestResultsIncrease 14
Has spotty data collected locally for 3/21-3/28
- Main website:
- Detailed page:
- Use wget (via System.cmd at first) to download the pages we're interested in
- Commit those pages to git automatically and push up to github periodically
- Start with every hour
- Use meeseeks to parse the HTML and store the results in Postgres via Ecto
- home page
- details page
- Use Phoenix to view the data
Data used in article
Data on cumulative coronavirus cases and deaths can be found in two files for states and counties.
Oregon private vs public testing 11601/2225 = 5.213932584269663
Hawaii private vs public testing 8273/402=20.57
To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Install Node.js dependencies with
cd assets && npm install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.