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MusicXML import |
en es |
en |
Craig Stuart Sapp |
6 Mar 2017 |
interface-musicxml |
interface musicxml |
true |
MusicXML files can be dragged/dropped onto the VHV page to automatically convert them into Humdrum data. |
main_sidebar |
/interface/musicxml/index.html |
The VHV interface can load MusicXML files by dragging and dropping them from the desktop onto the VHV page. The following figure shows MusicXML data being exported from MuseScore to the desktop, and then dragging the file onto the browser to load the file in VHV.
There are two ways of loading a MusicXML file: regular drag-and-drop will load the MusicXML data directly into the text editor, while holding down the shift key while drag-and-dropping will convert the MusicXML data into Humdrum data, which is then displayed in the text editor:
{% include image.html file="export-import-musicxml.gif" alt="MusicXML import example" max-width="100%" caption="MusicXML file exported from MuseScore, then imported by shift+drag/dropping a file into VHV." %}
Try downloading the same MusicXML file and loading it into VHV in a similar manner (usually save by right clicking on the link and then choose save link as).
{% include warning.html
content="MXL (compressed MusicXML) files cannot be loaded directly into VHV. First unzip the MXL file and then drag-and-drop the resulting MusicXML file (with the extension .xml
) into VHV, or load the MXL files into a notation editor that understands the MXL format and resave as uncompressed MusicXML."
MusicXML data can also be copy/pasted into the VHV text editor. In this case VHV behaves like a MusicXML editor, since the data is not converted into the Humdrum format within the text editor.
The freeze command (alt-f) is useful for pausing dynamic notation rendering while editing the MusicXML data. MusicXML data loaded in this manner is converted to Humdrum behind the scenes, but loading the Humdrum data into the text editor is not yet implemented. You can, however, convert to MEI data with the alt-m and display in the text editor.
{% include warning.html content="The graphical notation editing commands cannot be used when MusicXML data is loaded into the text editor, since these commands operate on Humdrum data only." %}
If MusicXML data is displayed in the text editor, you can use the Edit menu option "Convert to Humdrum" to convert the MusicXML data into Humdrum data, which replaces the MusicXML data in the text editor.
The MusicXML-to-Humdrum converter inside of
VHV will convert text expressions
that start with an asterisk (*
) into tandem interpretations in
the Humdrum data. Attach the text expression to the note which
should follow immediately after the tandem interpretation. Here
is an example of embedding an *Xtuplet
interpretation to disable
display of tuplet numbers, and later *tuplet
to turn them
back on:
{% include image.html file="musescore-tuplet.png" alt="Adding tuplet interpretations in MuseScore" max-width="100%" caption="Adding text expressions to control tuplet number display style in MuseScore." %}
This MusicXML file dragged-and-dropped into VHV will produce the following Humdrum data that preserves the embedded tandem interpretations controlling tuplet number styling.
{% include verovio.html source="musescore-tuplet" scale="45" pageWidth="1200" humdrum-min-height="500px" tabsize="8" %}
<script type="application/json" id="musescore-tuplet"> **kern *clefG2 *k[] *M4/4 =1 12ccL 12dd 12ccJ 12ddL 12cc 12ddJ *Xtuplet 12ddL 12ee 12ddJ 12ccL 12dd 12ccJ =2 12ddL 12cc 12ddJ *tuplet 12ccL 12dd 12ccJ 12ddL 12cc 12ddJ 12ccL 12ee 12ddJ == *- </script>If you do not want to show the Humdrum markup text on PDF output from a music editor, you can make the text invisible in most editors. Here is an example of how to make the text invisible in MuseScore: click on the text and open the inspector panel and then uncheck the Visibility checkbox:
{% include image.html file="musescore-visibility.png" alt="Making text invisible inMuseScore" max-width="100%" caption="Making text expressions invisivle in MuseScore." %}
Here is the resulting PDF output from MuseScore, where the Humdrum markup is not visible:
{% include image.html file="musescore-pdf.png" alt="Making text invisible inMuseScore" max-width="100%" caption="Making text expressions invisivle in MuseScore." %}
In MuseScore, you can also hide the invisible text in the editor by unselecting the menu item View→Show Invisible.
Here is another example that embeds note-coloring markers in MuseScore:
{% include image.html file="musescore-color.png" alt="Adding tuplet interpretations in MuseScore for coloring notes" max-width="100%" caption="Adding text expressions to control note colors." %}
If you drag-and-drop this MusicXML data, the conversion to Humdrum will look and display like this in VHV:
{% include verovio.html source="musescore-color" scale="45" pageWidth="1200" humdrum-min-height="500px" tabsize="8" %}
<script type="application/json" id="musescore-color"> **kern *clefG2 *k[] *M4/4 =1 4cc 4ee *color:hotpink 4dd 4ff =2 2gg 2aa =3 *color:dodgerblue 2gg 2ff =4 4gg 4ff *color:black 4cc 4dd == *- </script>When tandem interpretations are attached to notes or rests as text
expressions, they will be inserted before the note in the converted
Humdrum data. To place interpretations after a note, use two
asterisks (**
) instead of one. The second asterisk will be removed
automatically (since this is reserved for exclusive interpretations).
This method of inserting after notes is needed when adding
interpretations at the end of a measure, since music editors typically
cannot attach text expressions to barlines.
Here is an example of encoding a ligature bracket in MuseScore. The ending note of the ligature occurs
at the end of the measure, and since the text expression *Xlig
cannot be attached to the barline,
it is encoded as **Xlig
on the last note of the ligature group:
{% include image.html file="musescore-ligature.png" alt="Adding ligature interpretations in MuseScore" max-width="100%" caption="Adding text expressions in MuseScore to display a ligature bracket." %}
If you drag-and-drop this MusicXML data, the conversion to Humdrum will look and display like this in VHV:
{% include verovio.html source="musescore-ligature" scale="45" pageWidth="1200" humdrum-min-height="375px" tabsize="8" %}
<script type="application/json" id="musescore-ligature"> **kern *clefC3 *k[] *M2/1 =1 1d 1B =2 *lig 0c =3 0d *Xlig =4 2e 2d 1B =5 0c == *- </script>Likewise, local comments (starting with !
) can be embedded within the MusicXML data to be
converted into Humdrum data when you drag-and-drop the file onto VHV.
{% include image.html file="musescore-comment.png" alt="Adding local comments in MuseScore" max-width="100%" caption="Adding embedded local comments in MuseScore." %}
If you drag-and-drop this MusicXML data, the conversion to Humdrum will look and display like this in VHV:
{% include verovio.html source="musescore-comment" scale="45" pageWidth="1200" humdrum-min-height="500px" tabsize="8" %}
<script type="application/json" id="musescore-comment"> **kern *clefG2 *k[] *M4/4 =1 4cc !LO:TX:a:t=text 4ee 4dd 4ff =2 !LO:TX:b:t=text2:color=red 2gg 2aa =3 !comment 2gg 2ff =4 !LO:N:vis=1 4gg 4ff 4cc 4dd == *- </script>Notice that any MusicXML text expressions starting with !
will be converted to local comments
in the Humdrum data. The comments can also be layout parameters, such as in the above example
where !LO:N:vis=1
means that the quarter note has a visual whole-note duration. The !comment
is a regular local comment that will not be printed in the score. Text to display in the score can
either be a plain text expression that does not start with *
or !
, and otherwise text can be placed
in a TX
layout command to add specific parameters to the text rendering in VHV.
Reference records can be inserted a text comment starting with three !!!
anywhere in the score. To
insert reference records at the top of a Humdrum file, add them to the title area in a score editor:
{% include image.html file="musescore-reference.png" alt="Adding reference records in MuseScore" max-width="100%" caption="Adding embedded reference records in MuseScore." %}
Note that in this example embedding of reference records, the text is made invisible in the MuseScore editor by unchecking the Visible check box in the Inspector panel on the right. This allows embedding Humdrum markup (including tandem interpretation and local comments) in the score editor, but prevent them from being visible in the PDF printout of the notation from MuseScore.
If you drag-and-drop this MusicXML data, the conversion to Humdrum will look and display like this in VHV:
{% include verovio.html source="musescore-reference" scale="45" pageWidth="1200" humdrum-min-height="525px" humdrum-min-width="325px" tabsize="8" %}
<script type="application/json" id="musescore-reference"> !!!COM: Composer's name !!!CDT: Composer's dates !!!CNT: Composer's nationality !!!OTL: Composition title !!!OMV: Movement 1 !!!ODT: Composition date !!!LYR: Lyricist's name !!!header-left: @{LYR}\n !!!header-center: @{OTL}\n<i>@{OMV}</i> !!!header-right: @{COM}\n@{CDT} **kern *clefG2 *k[] *M4/4 =1 1g =2 1a =3 2b 4b 4g =4 4g 4b 2b == *- </script>If the MusicXML score contains the composer's name and title in the standard encoding for a MusicXML file,
they will automatically be converted into !!!COM:
and !!!OTL:
reference records, but if explicit !!!COM:
and !!!OTL:
entries are added to the file header, they will override the inferred composer's name and work
Also note in this example a demonstration of the header templating system is given:
!!!header-left: @{LYR}\n
!!!header-center: @{OTL}\n<i>@{OMV}</i>
!!!header-right: @{COM}\n@{CDT}
This allows for various reference records to be displayed at the top of the score in the left, right
and middle of the header. The \n
character sequence represents a line break. There is also a footer
templating system, which is useful for printing to PDF from VHV
(with the alt-shift-T keyboard shortcut).
An additional system for embedding reference records in the MusicXML header allows for
placement of the records at the start or end of the file. Replace !!!
with @
to indicate that a
reference record should be placed at the top of the file, while replacing !!!
with @@
will cause
the reference record to be added at the bottom of the file:
{% include image.html file="musescore-reference2.png" alt="Adding reference records in MuseScore" max-width="100%" caption="Alternate system for embedding reference records in MuseScore with above/below controls." %}
If you drag-and-drop this MusicXML data, the conversion to Humdrum will look and display like this in VHV:
{% include verovio.html source="musescore-reference2" scale="45" pageWidth="1200" humdrum-min-height="525px" humdrum-min-width="325px" tabsize="8" %}
<script type="application/json" id="musescore-reference2"> !!!COM: Composer's name !!!OTL: Composition title !!!OMV: Movement 1 **kern *clefG2 *k[] *M4/4 =1 1g =2 1a =3 2b 4b 4g =4 4g 4b 2b == *- !!!CDT: Composer's dates !!!CNT: Composer's nationality !!!ODT: Composition date !!!LYR: Lyricist's name !!!header-left: @{LYR}\n !!!header-center: @{OTL}\n<i>@{OMV}</i> !!!header-right: @{COM}\n@{CDT} </script>If you want to convert many MusicXML files into Humdrum at once, you can use the musicxml2hum command-line tool from humlib, which is the same as the MusicXML-to-Humdrum converter built into VHV. To convert multiple MusicXML files in a directory to Humdrum using the bash shell:
for i in *.xml
echo Converting $i
musicxml2hum $i > $(basename $i .xml).krn
{% include warning.html content="There is a tool in Humdrum Extras called xml2hum, but musicxml2hum in humlib is a more advanced and more recent converter from MusicXML into Humdrum." %}