Webpage & Indexer of #100DaysOfVue where can be found all projects made
- Each project MUST be developed on at least two consecutive days (recommended on weekends).
- Each project MUST be JAMStack (Javascript + API + Markup) using Vue Framework.
- Each project MUST have its own repository on Github, under the same organization.
- Each project MUST be accessed from the URL:
- Each project CAN use LocalStorage as local database (if applicable).
- Each project, if requires some kind of external storage, SHOULD be using JEXIA.
- Each project MUST be documented with a README.md file, explaining what they need for its operation and what was learned during the process.
- Each project completed should be shared, on social media, promoting both hashtags #100DaysOfCode and #100DaysOfVue, with a brief summary of what was learned.
- Each project should be ended within the time suggested. Consider how much hours do you need each day to reach the goal.
- All images in each project should be uploaded with SVG format (except favicons).
- Each project can be use a CSS framework to shorten the developing time, also a CSS pre-processor. There are no limitations in which framework can be used.
- All projects can be developed using Flat Design, Material Design, or whatever UI pattern design you want, but you must be consistent in which pattern design you choose. I mean, if the first project you completed (whatever it was) you made it on a Material Design, you should complete all remaining projects in that UI pattern design.
Good luck and may the force be with you!!