control go1 pro robot using hand/body poses using mediapipe dog password is 00000000
pip install opencv-contrib-python
pip install mediapipe
cd git
git clone
ln -s ~/git/free-dog-sdk/ ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ../catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
#Before you install requirements.txt, check your numpy version and edit the txt file
#pip show numpy
cd src/free-dog-sdk
pip install -r requirements.txt
#Download zip file, extract it in the Documents folder
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Once the go1 pro is turned on, connect to the robot using your computer's network settings.
- In the go1_pose_detection directory, run first in its own terminal.
- Then, in another terminal, run either (for body poses) or (for hand poses). Make sure webacam is setup before running
- Press Escape on the interface to close