Loads a given string in a given environment.
determines whether or not to remove comments before reading. (Default is true)
local loader = require("luayan")
loader.readScript( [[
local str = "Hello"
print(str..", World!") --Hello, Word!
]], _G)
Loads the first line or block of code in an environment.
Returns the remaining script.
local loader = require("luayan")
local script = loader.readLine( [[
print( ({ a = 0,
b = 1 }).a )
print("Hello, Word!")
]], _G) --prints 0.
print(script) --prints [[print("Hello, World!")]]
Evaluates an expression in an environment.
Returns the remaining script after the expression and the expression value(s)
If unary is true, it will stop before the first operator (unless it's the '^' operator)
local loader = require("luayan")
print( loader.readExpression( [[1 + 8 / 2 example]], {}, false ) )
--prints " example", 5
print( loader.readExpression( [[1 + 8 / 2 unary example]], {}, true ) )
--prints " + 8 / 2 unary example", 1
Removes all the comments in a script.
determines whether or not to keep the same amount of lines of multi-line comments. (Default is false)
Returns the script without comments.
local loader = require("luayan")
print( loader.removeComments [=[ local a = "example -- string" -- [[ some
here ]] ]=] )
--prints [[ local a = "example -- string" ]]