A paper implementation in numpy python
- Python >= 3.7
pip3 install triplerecovery
- numpy >=1.22.4
- opencv-python >=
import cv2
import triplerecovery as trir
# image can be rgb or grey
# grey must have two dimetions so add cv2.
# if you know the image is grey then use cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE
imarr=cv2.imread("<your image path>")
import cv2
import triplerecovery as trir
imarr=cv2.imread("<your embeded image path>")
# OR for changed interpolation
recovered_image=trir.recover(imarr, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC).imarr
The images material and tests are available on this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kamSYESP3HOLn9pyPLIR_IH1qB-aPhI6?usp=sharing