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Gym Interface


The Gym interface of ns3-ai transforms ns-3 into a RL playground. With this interface, high-level observations (states), actions, rewards and game status information can be exchanged between C++ and Python.


The following tutorial of this interface is based on the A-Plus-B example.

C++ side

The C++ side of Gym interface provides skeleton code to create Gymnasium-compatible environment at ns-3, and a callback-based mechanism to easily collect information and execute actions.

To begin, simply inherit from OpenGymEnv to create an environment. In the code below, method GetAPlusB, variables m_a, m_b and m_sum are added to the base class.

class ApbEnv : public OpenGymEnv
    ~ApbEnv() override;
    static TypeId GetTypeId();
    void DoDispose() override;

    uint32_t GetAPlusB();

    // OpenGym interfaces:
    Ptr<OpenGymSpace> GetActionSpace() override;
    Ptr<OpenGymSpace> GetObservationSpace() override;
    bool GetGameOver() override;
    Ptr<OpenGymDataContainer> GetObservation() override;
    float GetReward() override;
    std::string GetExtraInfo() override;
    bool ExecuteActions(Ptr<OpenGymDataContainer> action) override;

    uint32_t m_a;
    uint32_t m_b;
    uint32_t m_sum;

C++ side sets the numbers and gets their sum from Python. This is done by GetAPlusB():

    return m_sum;

The Notify() function, defined in base class, is the core of C++-Python interaction. It registers essential callbacks, collects state and send it to Python, receives the action, and executes it. In the A Plus B example, the execution of action is simply storing the sum in m_sum. So, after Notify(), m_sum becomes the sum of m_a and m_b.

In order for Notify() to work normally, some methods (used as callbacks) must be implemented:

  1. GetActionSpace: Called when initialing Gym interface. It defines the action space of environment. In this example, action space contains one integer between 0 and 20, so box space is applied:
    std::vector<uint32_t> shape = {1};
    std::string dtype = TypeNameGet<uint32_t>();
    Ptr<OpenGymBoxSpace> box = CreateObject<OpenGymBoxSpace>(0, 20, shape, dtype);
    return box;
  1. GetObservationSpace: Similar to GetActionSpace, it defines the observation space of environment, which contains two integer between 0 and 10:
    std::vector<uint32_t> shape = {2};
    std::string dtype = TypeNameGet<uint32_t>();
    Ptr<OpenGymBoxSpace> box = CreateObject<OpenGymBoxSpace>(0, 10, shape, dtype);
    return box;
  1. GetGameOver: In Gym interface an environment have two ways to stop: game over or simulation end. In this example we prefer the latter to stop the environment. Therefore, the return value is always false:
    return false;
  1. GetObservation: Function to collect observation (state) from environment. In this example, m_a and m_b are collected. Note that OpenGymBoxContainer rather than OpenGymBoxSpace (in space definition) is used.
    std::vector<uint32_t> shape = {2};
    Ptr<OpenGymBoxContainer<uint32_t>> box = CreateObject<OpenGymBoxContainer<uint32_t>>(shape);


    return box;
  1. GetReward: Function that define the reward (float type). Reward is unused in A Plus B, can be arbitrary:
    return 0.0;
  1. GetExtraInfo: Function that pass additional info to Python. Info is also unused, thus it is an empty value:
    return "";
  1. ExecuteActions: Function that executes the action according to the information in container. In this example, we get the sum of a + b from the zeroth (and the only) item of action:
ApbEnv::ExecuteActions(Ptr<OpenGymDataContainer> action)
    Ptr<OpenGymBoxContainer<uint32_t>> box = DynamicCast<OpenGymBoxContainer<uint32_t>>(action);
    m_sum = box->GetValue(0);
    return true;

After those functions defined, the ApbEnv class can be created and used.

using namespace ns3;
Ptr<ApbEnv> apb = CreateObject<ApbEnv>();

And the interaction is seamless:

std::cout << "set: " << apb->m_a << "," << apb->m_b << ";";
std::cout << "\n";

sum = apb->GetAPlusB();

std::cout << "get: " << sum << ";";
std::cout << "\n";

Remember to call NotifySimulationEnd before exit, to properly destroy the interface:


Python side

You don't need to write much code on Python side, because the internal of the interface already implements Gymnasium APIs such as reset, step and close.

Start by importing essential modules:

import ns3ai_gym_env
import gymnasium as gym

While your IDE may warn that module ns3ai_gym_env is unused, it's necessary to import ns3ai_gym_env as it registers the ns3ai_gym_env/Ns3-v0 environment in gym.

Define the agent that interacts with ns-3 environment:

class ApbAgent:

    def __init__(self):

    def get_action(self, obs, reward, done, info):

        a = obs[0]
        b = obs[1]
        act = a + b

        return [act]

The get_action is used for summing a & b (observation), and returns an array containing the sum (action).

Create the environment and do initial setup:

env = gym.make("ns3ai_gym_env/Ns3-v0")
ob_space = env.observation_space
ac_space = env.action_space
print("Observation space: ", ob_space, ob_space.dtype)
print("Action space: ", ac_space, ac_space.dtype)
obs, info = env.reset()
reward = 0
done = False
agent = ApbAgent()

Interact with C++ side:

while True:

    action = agent.get_action(obs, reward, info, done)
    # print("---action: ", action)

    obs, reward, done, _, info = env.step(action)
    # print("---obs, reward, done, info: ", obs, reward, done, info)

    if done:

When C++ side calls NotifySimulationEnd, done becomes true and Python exits the loop.

Remember to close the environment before exit:
