Have you heard about Ngrok
? Serveo
If you dont, these are services that give you a public url for your local app, help you expose your project to the world (internet) without deploying it. So simple and easy to use, right?
The cons of Ngrok or Serveo is that you dont have a static, fixed address (the address will change every time you open), otherwise has a time limit.
This project using inlets
and heroku
(you can use it with any of other cloud services) to let you have your own address and full control of your tunnel.
Special thanks to inlets's devs for a fantastic project.
First you need a Heroku app, of course. Then clone this project.
Config name of the app, and the local port which you want to expose
export HEROKU_APP=
export LOCAL_PORT=
export TOKEN=$(head -c 16 /dev/urandom | shasum | cut -f1 -d" ")
Then using heroku to build your app
heroku login
heroku git:remote -a $HEROKU_APP
heroku config:set TOKEN=${TOKEN} --app $HEROKU_APP
heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/maximkulkin/heroku-buildpack-dummy.git
git push heroku master
You can restart your app in case of anything happenned
heroku restart web -a ${HEROKU_APP}
Then using your inlets binary which matches your operating system to run the client (can be downloaded from here) (remember to make it executable first chmod +x ./inlets
./inlets client \
--remote wss://${HEROKU_APP}.herokuapp.com \
--token $TOKEN \
You can use my heroku app that i created https://dtunnel.herokuapp.com/:
export HEROKU_APP=dtunnel
export TOKEN=837861ba81915d3a65e58ecbd06bc2ac4d444cf0