Changes in tailseeker 3.1.7
- Fix the docker wrapper script to take up the environment variable TAILSEEKER_REFDBDIR correctly.
- Remove U3 and 7SL RNAs from contaminant database pipeline.
- Fix the compatibility issue with recent versions of snakemake.
- Add support for MiSeq v3 chemistry.
- Fix a crash issue in tailseq-dedup-perfect when it fails if more than 1024 alignments with less optimal TAIL-seq signals are followed after an alignment with better signals.
- Fix a problem in plotting a virtual gel with recent versions of pandas.
is a source release. You need to install few external programs to fulfill the dependencies and some build tools before installing it.tailseeker-3.1.7-bundle-ubuntu_xenial.tar.gz
is a full bundle binary release with source codes. It contains pre-built binary files of tailseeker and many of its external dependencies. As the binaries were built on a Intel x64 machine with Ubuntu Linux 16.04, you may encounter some incompatibility problems on the other platforms. It is highly recommended to use the Docker image in those environments.