Hot Desk Booking System is a website that allows booking a desk in the chosen location. Access to this system is possible only through the account. There are both Users and Administrators, each with different permissions.
Sample credentials (username, password) to log in and test the program:
- User1 user1 (role: User)
- User2 user2 (role: User)
- Admin admin (role: Admin)
Frontend: Angular
Backend: ASP.NET Core
Sql Server (Docker)
Entity Framework Core
Testing: XUnit
Frontend (AngularApp)
npm install
ng serve
Backend (WebApi):
docker-compose up
(to run Sql Server database)dotnet run
(with http for local environment)
Integration Tests (WebApi.IntegrationTests):
dotnet test
Administrators are able to:
- add a location,
- remove a location - if they have no desks assigned to them,
- add a desk - to an already existing location,
- remove a desk - if available,
- disable a desk - if available,
- enable a desk,
- book a desk - if available,
- unbook a desk - if its their own.
These are the things that Administrators can accomplish directly on the website via UI. However, there are more functionalities available for them only through endpoints (which are described in more detail later). They can, as well, among others:
- add a user,
- remove a user,
- get full information about every location and its desks.
Users are able to:
- book a desk - if available,
- unbook a desk - if its their own.
Of course, users see locations and desks, however they cannot modify them in anyway. Booking is the only exception.
Booking rules:
- only one booking at the time,
- the maximum timespan is 7 days,
- booking starts immediately and lasts until the end of the day.
- expired bookings are erased automatically after midnight
Endpoints can be accessed easily via Postman or Swagger. Swagger is extremely convenient. Here is the sample URL to access it: http://localhost:5062/swagger/index.html
Endpoints cannot be accessed without a JSON Web Token. The token is generated when the user logs in and is removed from the session storage when the user logs out.