A human-readable and optionally coloured slog.Handler.
The output format is designed to be quick and easy to read, primarily for use in development environments. This format is not necessarily recommended for production environments, especially where logs need to be parsed to extract data.
go get -u hypera.dev/lib/slog/pretty
// Create a new logger
log := slog.New(pretty.NewHandler(os.Stdout, nil))
// Set global logger and use custom options
pretty.NewHandler(os.Stdout, &pretty.Options{
Level: slog.LevelDebug,
AddSource: true,
It is possible to customise how certain parts of the output are formatted by passing different formatters in
. It is not currently possible to reorder parts of the output, however this feature may be added in
the future.
// Change the time format using the default formatter
pretty.NewHandler(w, &pretty.Options{
TimeFormatter: pretty.DefaultTimeFormatter(time.DateTime),
// Use a custom time formatter
pretty.NewHandler(w, &pretty.Options{
TimeFormatter: func(buf *pretty.Buffer, t time.Time) {
buf.AppendTimeFormat(t, time.DateTime)
// Use the default level formatter
pretty.NewHandler(w, &pretty.Options{
LevelFormatter: pretty.DefaultLevelFormatter(color),
// Use a custom level formatter
pretty.NewHandler(w, &pretty.Options{
LevelFormatter: func(buf *pretty.Buffer, l slog.Level) {
if l == LevelTrace {
// Use the default source formatter
pretty.NewHandler(w, &pretty.Options{
LevelFormatter: pretty.DefaultSourceFormatter(color),
// Use a custom source formatter
pretty.NewHandler(w, &pretty.Options{
SourceFormatter: func(buf *pretty.Buffer, src *slog.Source) {
dir, file := filepath.Split(src.File)
buf.AppendString(filepath.Join(filepath.Base(dir), file))
Colored output is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting DisableColor: false
in the handler options.
You can have colors automatically enabled depending on the terminal capabilities with the use of a package
like github.com/mattn/go-isatty
w := os.Stdout
pretty.NewHandler(w, &pretty.Options{
DisableColor: !isatty.IsTerminal(w.Fd()),
Colors may display weirdly on Windows, and can be corrected with use of
the github.com/mattn/go-colorable
w := os.Stdout
pretty.NewHandler(colorable.NewColorable(w), nil)
The output format is heavily inspired by github.com/charmbracelet/log
and github.com/lmittmann/tint
is a great alternative to this library, however it does not currently support custom time,
level or source formatters.