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WG 2022 10 24

Stephen Curran edited this page Oct 24, 2022 · 2 revisions


Time: 7:00 Pacific (fixed), 16:00 Central Europe

Zoom Link:



Main Agenda

  • Proposal to make AnonCreds a top level project at Hyperledger has been accepted.
    • Formal proposal to request to move this Working Group into Hyperledger under the same Community Specification License V1.0
    • Discussion held, and there were no objections raised
    • A vote was held on "should we merge" (over half voted in the affirmative) and "objections" (there were none)
    • As the creation of the AnonCreds Project continues, we will go forward with moving this group into Hyperledger.
  • Open PRs Review, Open Issues Review
    • Request from Stephen Curran -- I'd like to go through the presentation section of the spec to convert the specific implementation calls (e.g. indy_prover_... and the like) into content to be more about the data objects passed into AnonCreds/returned from AnonCreds for processing events.
  • Creating/sharing AnonCreds verifiable credential and presentation objects in W3C VC Data Model format]
    • Script to convert verifiable credential back and forth - easy!
    • Script to convert AnonCreds presentation to W3C VC (or VP) - done
      • Need to add issuanceDate and a type for credentialSchema
      • Question: Should we make this a VP vs. a VC?
        • All commenters suggested that we should make it a VP
      • Request: Developer-types go through the proof encoding/decoding code. Solid?
      • Note made that the Verifier must have access to the Presentation Request and, in particular, the nonce, to be able to fully verify the presentation. The Presentation Request will NOT be included in the W3C VP, just as it is not part of the AnonCreds presentation.
      • Any other comments/ideas/suggestions on the mapping?
  • Suggestion made and supported that the group request to provide a presentation about AnonCreds to the W3C VC Working Group about the formatting of AnonCreds verifiable credential and presentation in W3C format and the processing implied.

Future Topics:

  • RevReg Object updates -- enabling AnonCreds Methods to support both deltas and "full state" RevReg storage
    • Proposal: Make the RevRegEntry data model that the AnonCreds method must present to the AnonCreds NRP generation code two primary elements, the accumulator itself (needed? or do we provide the tails file contents?), and the array listing the revoked credentials. No compression will be applied to the list of revoked credentials.
    • An AnonCreds Method must produce the format. How it stores the data on ledger is up to the Method.

What's left?

  • To Dos:
    • Ankur to add paragraph about philosophy of the AnonCreds API, styles
    • Review the Issuing and Presentation sections to exclude Legacy Indy impacts, and to formalize the Abstract API for writing/reading published objects
    • Cred Def Generation + PRIVATE_CRED_DEF -- non revocation, and plus revocation
    • Revocation data elements -- definition
    • Normative/Non-normative references
      • Collect from documents mentioned below (under action items) and from previous meetings

Action Items From Previous Meetings:

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