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@ad-m ad-m released this 19 Dec 11:09
· 54 commits to master since this release

Accelerated DNS zone management

Management of a DNS zone has been made faster in two ways.

The ability to guess the DNS zone when creating a new DNS zone has been introduced. This solution tries to guess and restore DNS records if the created DNS zone exists on a public DNS server. This applies to the process of migrating the DNS zone, which is currently in use by another provider to us.

Import of DNS zone (BIND) files has been accelerated by transferring only the difference between the current DNS zone configuration and the desired one to the Platform. This allows to limit the import time, which can be particularly important during cyclic process of generating the DNS zone file and upload, or when the configuration of the DNS zone is managed in a version control system.

Managing invitations

People who want to add to Project no longer need to be current user of the Platform. If User try to add to the Platform a person who does not use the Platform - he will receive an invitation, and after registering on the Platform will be able to accept them to use the Platform.

For this reason, the option of inviting User to a Project / Organisation has been made available in CLI to accept / reject an invitation and information about their status has been added to the list of users in the Project / Organisation.

Website and Organisation management extend

When launching applications written e.g. in Python or NodeJS in Website, User need to restart their applications to load their new versions. To this end, we have provided the "restart" operation, which combines the two "start" and "stop" operations to make the simple process even easier.

Taking into account the comments of users who carry out various experiments, the CLI has been given the option to remove the Organisation. We remind that the operation can be used, especially if Organisation has no invoices.

Improved User experience

For User who create Disk based on the local .vhdx file, there is no need to specify the size of the disk being created. The value is automatically detected.

To limit the dispersion of the CLI versions that are used, a notification mechanism has been introduced that the user is using outdated CLI versions. The corresponding message will be displayed during normal CLI operation. This will allow User to notice more efficiently that they should update to avoid disruption to the tool and gain access to the latest functionalities.