Install Go
Build the binary
git clone
cd daoctl
go build
./daoctl get roles
If you change the go code, you can run without rebuilding by running:
go run main.go [args]
Here's a sample configuration file for the testnet. You can save as a file and use --config
then the file name as a parameter.
AssetsAsFloat: true
DAOContract: dao.hypha
TokenContract: husd.hypha
Symbol: HUSD
Contract: bank.hypha
EthUSDTContract: 0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7
EthUSDTAddress: 0xC20f453a4B4995CA032570f212988F4978B35dDd
BtcAddress: 35hfgfaUouzYixTUDV6CFqMiTSZcuNtTf9
TelosDecideContract: trailservice
DAOUser: treasurermmm
./daoctl get documents
./daoctl get documents --type assignment
./daoctl get document <hash>
./daoctl get treasury
./daoctl treasury get requests
./daoctl treasury get payments
Submitting a new payment against a Redemption Request
# in the below command, the redemption_id is 6
./daoctl --vault-file hyphanewyork.json treasury newpayment 6 "3500.00 HUSD" --network BTC --trxid b475e94c6a86dd18cce0ab7a1dfc9d0f94e20baf6c91317c14ce669da4111e1c --memo "just a memo field for any additional context"
Attesting to an existing payment. Treasurers have the responsibility of reviewing and validating transaction payments. To attest that a posted payment is true and accurate, use the attest
# in the below example, the paymentID is 4 and the requestID is 6
./daoctl --vault-file hyphanewyork.json treasury attest 4 6 "3500.00 HUSD"
DEBUG=true ./daoctl propose deployment create --proposal-name testprop --commit d431c59dfd0fe284eee979965160fd326cae0e73 --developer hyphanewyork --notes "this is a test deployment proposal" --account dao.hypha --config daoctl-test.yaml --vault-file ../m.hypha.json