MLDA is a tool for data exploration and analysis of multi-label and multi-view multi-label datasets. It includes both a GUI tool and a Java API. It provides an easy to use tool for multi-label datasets analysis, including a wide set of characterization metrics, charts for measuring the imbalance and relationship among labels, several methods for data preprocessing and transformation, multi-view multi-label datasets characterization and allowing to load several datasets simultaneously. It has been created under the GPLv3 license [License file].
Last release, version 1.2.4 is available here. The documentation in pdf is available here. Javadoc is also available for GUI tool and API.
Please, cite this work using the citation.bib file or the following reference:
J.M. Moyano, E. Gibaja and S. Ventura. MLDA: A tool for analyzing multi-label datasets. Knowledge-Based Systems (2017).