It is a part of Udacity FSND the catalog project
You will develop an application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories as well as provide a user registration and authentication system. Registered users will have the ability to post, edit and delete their own items.
Are You hungry? need some inspiration to cook something delicious:spaghetti::hamburger::cookie: ? this app for you!:tada: It is a web application for recipes and allow you to create your own recipes and share them with other in the app.
Download and install Vagrant.
Download and install VirtualBox.
Clone or download the Vagrant VM configuration file from here.
Open the above directory and navigate to the
sub-directory. -
Open terminal, and type
vagrant up
This will cause Vagrant to download the Ubuntu operating system and install it. This may take quite a while depending on how fast your Internet connection is.
After the above command succeeds, connect to the newly created VM by typing the following command:
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/
to navigate to the shared repository. -
Download or clone this repository, and navigate to it.
Install or upgrade Flask:
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade flask
Run this application:
in your browser.
This following are JSON files of the app:
Catalog JSON: /catalog/JSON
- Shows the whole catalog. Categories and all items.
Categories JSON: /catalog/<category_id>/recipes/JSON
- Shows specific category with its items/recipes
Category Items JSON: /catalog/<category_id>/recipes/<recipe_id>/
- Shows specific recipe information
- JS
- Ajax
- Bootstrap 4
- Flask
- Python
- Images & icons
- Google Fonts
- Boostrap Template
- HTML Beautifier
- Some recipes and images from Hello Freash
- create ico
- add more categories
- add more APIs such: facebook, outlook, twitter ..etc
- add filters
- add search box
- add page navgator
- optimize the website
- change upload image style
- upgrade bootstrap 3 to bootstrap 4
- fix login style
- allow user to upload image from his/her device
- add date to each recipe
- create pravite view for recipes
- add print recipe
- add more category such: snaks .. etc
- add rating the recipe
- completed 💪