- github NordicSemiconductor - Nordic Semiconductor's official GitHub account. Contains officially supported repositories.
- github NordicPlayground - Nordic Semiconductor's secondary GitHub account, for emerging and unsupported projects.
- cmake-nRF5x - platform-agnostic CMake files that can be used to build custom nRF5 projects. Our goal is to cover the most used libraries and examples starting from nRF5 SDK version 15.3.0
- HID-Keyboard-BLE-Module - HID Keyboard BLE model NRF52832 15.0 SDK
- nRF52832_ble_hid_FreeRtos
- USB_HID_Generic_VisualGDB
- BLE_HID_GamePad - A HID GamePad design using the nRF52840 for BLE
aanon4-HomeKit - HomeKit for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for Nordic nRF51/nRF52
homekit-ble-temp-humid-sensor - HomeKit temperature/humidity sensor for nRF52832
BlonkenLights - BLE Homekit RGB light firmware
IOS-nRF-For-HomeKit - nRF For HomeKit app works with Nordic Semiconductor's Bluetooth Low Energy SDK for HomeKit and it uses Apple IOS HomeKit API
- pc-nrfconnect-programmer - Programmer app for nRF Connect for Desktop
- P256-Cortex-M4 - P-256 ECDSA/ECDH (secp256r1) for nRF52840, nRF5340 and MAX32670
- nrfconnect-sdk - nRF Connect SDK main repository
- nrfxlib - Nordic common libraries
- NRF52-Board - a collection of NRF5x boards
#awesome #awesome-list #bluetooth #nrf51822 #ble #bluetooth-le #nrf52832 #nrf52 #nrf51 #nordic-bluetooth #nordicsemi #nrf52840 #nrf52810 #softdevice #s132