This is the developer repo containing the latest work yet to be integrated into the main iNethi repo. Please use the terminal-based iNethi repo or GUI installer to build your iNethi instance. Alternatively to contribute to iNethi submit a PR here.
This repo makes use of Ansible and Python to install Docker containers. Please run the pre-installation script:
This should install Python 3, pip3, the Python requirements in the requirements.txt file, Ansible, OpenSSH server and sshpass.
These steps should work on Ubuntu and Mac... if you encounter errors with the pre-installation steps please manually
install the following on the machine you are running the Python script from:
Python 3, pip3, the Python requirements in the requirements.txt file, Ansible, OpenSSH server and sshpass
To install:
- run the pre-installation script on your host machine:
- Run the Python script and follow then on-screen prompts:
remember to use pip3 and python3.
- Usernames:
- Passwords:
- Mounted folders:
Navigate here in the repo to find out details on how to configure your iNethi instance.
To test a new playbook you want to add you can run python3
. However, you need to have run the full
installation process at least once and edit the .env file. Your username, IP address and password must be added to the
.env file