One monolithic repo to rule them all. This repo will be used to house anything directly interacting with the core IA product.
Besides the docs directory each high level directory should represent a deployable product. There should be a README describing the product and how to develop or deploy the product.
- Apache Airflow Monitor and schedule workflows with python scripts
- Auth0 Authentication software as a service
- Bash (Linux shell) Default Linux OS command line and scripting language
- Bootstrap CSS Framework
- BootstrapVue
- Docker The default Dockerfile should be for development. A Dockerfile_prod is also advisable.
- D3 JavaScript library to create Data driven documents(graphs) in HTML
- Flask Lightweight web application framework.
- Flask-RESTPlus Extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs
- Node/NPM Scripting language mostly for managing JavaScript and CSS builds
- Postgres SQL and non-SQL database
- Python Scripting language that is data science friendly
- SQLAlchemy Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
- JavaScript Framework
The easy way of getting a development instance up and going:
docker-compose up
- see /flask/ for datebase setup
Containers by port number
- 8080 VueJs
- 5000 Flask
- 5432 Postgres
- 8081 Airflow