- Deploy a VM instance that runs an Apache and PHP server.
- Deploy a Google Cloud SQL instance (MySQL).
- Use a PHP script on the VM to connect to the Cloud SQL database and display demo content.
Google Cloud Platform Setup:
- Ensure billing is enabled on your GCP project.
- Install and initialize the
CLI:gcloud init
Enable Required APIs:
Enable the Compute Engine and Cloud SQL APIs:gcloud services enable compute.googleapis.com sqladmin.googleapis.com
IAM Permissions:
Ensure you have sufficient permissions to create VM instances and Cloud SQL instances.
Create a Cloud SQL MySQL instance:
CLI:gcloud sql instances create my-sql-instance \ --tier=db-f1-micro \ --region=us-central1 \ --database-version=MYSQL_8_0
Set a Root Password:
gcloud sql users set-password root --host=% --instance=my-sql-instance --password=root123
Create a Database and Table:
Use the Cloud SQL command-line client to access the instance:gcloud sql connect my-sql-instance --user=root
Run the following SQL commands to create a database and table:
CREATE DATABASE demo_db; USE demo_db; CREATE TABLE users (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100)); INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('John Doe'), ('Jane Smith');
Startup Script to Install Apache and PHP:
Create a filestartup-script.sh
with the following content:#!/bin/bash apt-get update apt-get install -y apache2 php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql curl # Start Apache service systemctl start apache2 systemctl enable apache2 # Create a PHP file to connect to Cloud SQL cat <<EOF > /var/www/html/index.php <?php \$db_host = 'YOUR_CLOUD_SQL_IP'; \$db_user = 'root'; \$db_password = 'root123'; \$db_name = 'demo_db'; // Connect to Cloud SQL \$conn = new mysqli(\$db_host, \$db_user, \$db_password, \$db_name); if (\$conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . \$conn->connect_error); } // Fetch data \$result = \$conn->query("SELECT * FROM users"); if (\$result->num_rows > 0) { echo "<h1>Demo Content from Cloud SQL</h1>"; while (\$row = \$result->fetch_assoc()) { echo "ID: " . \$row["id"] . " - Name: " . \$row["name"] . "<br>"; } } else { echo "No data found."; } \$conn->close(); ?> EOF # Restart Apache to apply changes systemctl restart apache2
with the public IP of the Cloud SQL instance.
- Deploy the VM Instance:
Run the following gcloud
command to create a VM instance with the startup script:
gcloud compute instances create apache-php-vm \
--zone=us-central1-a \
--machine-type=e2-micro \
--image-family=ubuntu-2204-lts \
--image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \
--tags=http-server \
--metadata-from-file startup-script=startup-script.sh \
- Allow HTTP traffic to the VM using firewall rules:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-http \
--direction=INGRESS \
--action=ALLOW \
--rules=tcp:80 \
Add the VM's Public IP to the Cloud SQL Authorized Networks:
Retrieve the external IP of the VM:
gcloud compute instances list
Add the IP to Cloud SQL authorized networks:
gcloud sql instances patch my-sql-instance \ --authorized-networks=<VM_EXTERNAL_IP>
Open the external IP of the VM in a browser:
You should see the PHP page displaying data fetched from Google Cloud SQL:
Demo Content from Cloud SQL
ID: 1 - Name: John Doe
ID: 2 - Name: Jane Smith
Delete the VM Instance:
gcloud compute instances delete apache-php-vm --zone=us-central1-a
Delete the Cloud SQL Instance:
gcloud sql instances delete my-sql-instance
- Cloud SQL is created and configured to host a MySQL database.
- A VM instance is deployed with Apache, PHP, and a startup script to create a PHP file.
- The PHP script connects to the Cloud SQL instance and displays demo content fetched from a database table.
- HTTP access is configured using firewall rules.