A Task to Implement Walker Algorithm on the Turtlebot3 in a Gazebo Environment which demonstates the turtlebot's ability to avoid obstacles and keep walking around an obstacle filled environment
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- ROS Melodic
- Modern C++ Programming Language
- Roscpp Package
- Std_msgs Package
- Geometry msgs Package
- Catkin_Make Build System
Create a Catkin Workspace and cd into it
cd ~/catkin_ws
Clone the repository
cd src
git clone https://github.com/iamjadhav/iturtlebot_roomba.git
In a New Terminal, run the code using launch file
cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch iturtlebot_roomba turtle_launch.launch
- Recording a bag
The rosbagEnable argument is disabled by default. To record a rosbag: launch the nodes with the following commands,
cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch iturtlebot_roomba turtle_launch.launch rosbagEnable:=true
- Playing the bag
To play a rosbag: while the nodes are launched OR a separate roscore is running,
in a different terminal, cd to the directory where rosbags are stored and type,
cd cakin_ws/src/iturtlebot_roomba/results
rosbag play recordedbag.bag
- Compressing the Rosbag
To compress the rosbag: in one terminal, type,
cd cakin_ws/src/iturtlebot_roomba/results
rosbag compress recordedbag.bag
- Inspecting the bag
To inspect a recorded bag file: cd into the directory where rosbags are stored and type,
rosbag info recordedbag.bag