Paper Link:
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Typical examples of proactive and passive/systems logs in Justice Online:
We demonstrate the results of the deployed PMTC-enhanced bot detection system. Each figure presents a cluster of similar behavioral sequences, with each color representing an event id:
We provide a docker enviroment with all packages installed, where you can run all below scripts readily.
The tested python version is 3.6.9. For package versions, please refer to requirements.txt.
To successfully run our code in the docker container, you need at least 1 gpu and install nvidia-container-toolkit first, for details, please refer to
To inspect the pre-training and probing procedure/code, simply clone the whole repository or just the dockerfile, and run the following line to build and run.
sudo docker build -t behavior_sequence_pre_training . # BUILD
sudo docker run -it --gpus all behavior_sequence_pre_training bash # RUN iteratively
Docker repository: iamlxb3/behavior_sequence_pre_training_via_mtc
All code has been tested with minimum computation resources:
- GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 1060 TI
- RAM: 16GB
- CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
raw_data_path: The path to the dataset used to train the BPE tokenzier, each row is a sample, each sample consists of several IDs, separated by spaces
log_id_map_path: save path of ID and Chinese character mapping relationship table, the introduction of this is a trick of the engineering implementation, currently only the most high frequency of more than 20,000 IDs are retained, the remaining low frequency words will be replaced by [UNK]. (The reason for using this current scheme is that huggingface tokenzier does not support BPE merging for space-separated ascii strings)
tokenizer_save_path: Save path for BPE tokenizer
vocab_size: vocabulary size for BPE tokenzier
python --raw_data_path ../data/sample.txt \
--log_id_map_path ../static/log_id_map_sample.json \
--tokenizer_save_path ../static/bpe_tokenizer_sample.str \
--vocab_size 50000
After training your own BPE compressor, you should create own your training data with 'log_id_map' (by mapping all ids to Chineses Characters, I know this is a bit weird but this is a workaround for the merging space-seperated acsii tokens) and replace 'bpe_tokenizer_path' in the following pre-training script (e.g.
Below we show important input arguments for the pre-training scripts (e.g.
max_text_length: maximum length of sequence
epoch: training epoch
batch_size: training batch size
logging_steps: determines logging frequency
ngpu: the number of GPUs to use
model_type: transformer model type, valid options: [bert, longformer, reformer]
large_batch: the maximum data to read in memory at a time
ga_steps: gradident accumaltion step
pretrain_task: pre-training task, default is Masked Language Modeling (MLM)
mlm_probability: MLM masking ratio
mask_softmax_t: T, temperature for sotftmax
dynamic_mask_update_alpha: decaying coefficient alpha
debugN: to speed debugging, the number of sequence used for pre-training
Scripts of pre-training for various models and masking strategies discussed in our paper:
- (Model) Bert_bpe + (Masking Strategy) uniform
bash 512 3 2 5 1 bert 512 0 4 mlm 0.15 50
- (Model) Longformer_ws + (Masking Strategy) uniform
bash 512 3 2 5 1 longformer 512 0 4 mlm 0.15 50
- (Model) Reformer_ws + (Masking Strategy) uniform
bash 512 3 2 5 1 reformer 512 0 4 mlm 0.15 50
- In order to run reformer successfully, you have to modify one line of the transformers source code. Change line 151 in transformers/ to
weight.expand(list((batch_size,)) + self.axial_pos_shape + list(weight.shape[-1:])) for weight in self.weights
- (Model) Bert_bpe + (Masking Strategy) itf-idf (T=3.0)
bash 512 3 2 5 1 bert 512 0 4 mlm 0.15 0.5 3 50
- (Model) Bert_bpe + (Masking Strategy) MTC (T=0.0001)
bash 512 3 2 5 1 bert 512 0 4 mlm 0.15 0.5 0.0001 50
- (Model) Bert_bpe + (Masking Strategy) MTC (T=a.t.c, average token confidence)
bash 512 3 2 5 1 bert 512 0 4 mlm 0.16 0.5 0.0 0.0 50
- (Model) Bert_bpe + (Masking Strategy) PMTC (T=a.t.c, p = 0.1)
bash 512 3 2 5 1 bert 512 0 4 mlm 0.16 0.5 0.0 0.1 50
- (Model) Bert_bpe + (Masking Strategy) PMTC (T=a.t.c, p linear increase)
bash 512 3 2 5 1 bert 512 0 4 mlm 0.16 0.5 0.0 50
The pre-trained model will be save to '../bert_model/' with a specific name.
After models are pre-trained, you can either extract fixed features from them or directly fine-tune them on serveal downstream tasks.
Because the data needs to be kept confidential, we can only provide a small amount of encrypted data. We provide these data only to accurately demonstrate the experimental process and present model/training hyperparameters, not to reproduce the results discussed in our paper.
Before running any downstream tasks, you have to specify the model name (e.g. Bert_bpe_uniform_MLM) in each script. You can do it by passing model names to the 'pretrain_models' argument.
To inspect the training process of downstream tasks, go to the downstream_tasks directory and run the following scripts.
- Bot detection task (use encoder as the feature extrator)
- Bot detection task (fine-tune sequence encoder)
- Churn prediction task (use encoder as the feature extrator)
- Churn prediction task (fine-tune sequence encoder)
- Purchase timing prediction task (use encoder as the feature extrator)
- Purchase timing prediction task (fine-tune sequence encoder)
- Similar player inducing task (use encoder as the feature extrator)
title={Unsupervised Representation Learning of Player Behavioral Data with Confidence Guided Masking},
author={Pu, Jiashu and Lin, Jianshi and Mao, Xiaoxi and Tao, Jianrong and Shen, Xudong and Shang, Yue and Wu, Runze},
booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022},
Our project is under the GPL License.