Summary plots of NuSTAR solar obs with other X-ray data.
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Some info/caveats:
- Bottom panel lightcurve for whole NuSTAR field of view, FPMA, FPMB and 2-10 keV
- 3rd panel lightcurve for NuSTAR per detector quadrant/id FPMA and 2-10 keV
- Map for Nustar just FPMA, over whole pointing and 2-10 keV, white numbers indicate detector quadrant/id
- Source of features in NuSTAR might not be in the field of view, i.e ghost rays from elsewhere on the solar disk
- NuSTAR pointing is not corrected, so could be up to ~ arcmin off
- GOES flare list being used is from SSW latest events so some/many of the smaller events likely to be missing
- STIX lightcurve is quicklook only in 4-10 keV, so smaller features might actually be there (need to create own lightcurves from spectrogram/pixel data over narrower energy range)
To do:
More NuSTAR campaignsAdd in XSM dataNice web interface to the plots