- Update details
- Pay school fees
- Check timetable
- Check grades
- LMS Portal
- Reset network account password/unlock account
- 2FA management
- Unlock account
- If you are 101% sure you're keying in the correct username and password but cannot log in, unlock your account here
- From the ease login page >
Need help signing in?
>Unlock Account?
- If you realise that you're doing this multiple times a day when you're in school but have no problems when you're at home, read on:
- Your computer might still be trying to connect to the printer network with your old password (which logs you out after it fails multiple times).
- If you're on Windows, search
Credential Manager
, click onWindows Credentials
and update/remove the printer credentials (SCT-PS-X
IT Service Desk Portal (On-Campus)
- All the software stuff
- Hostel stuff
- Check and top-up aircon credits
FabLab Booking Website (On-Campus)
- Use
- Payments and claims and all the money stuff
GEMS (Graduate Employment Management System)
- Career and Internship stuff
- If emails you expect are not appearing check here, they might have been quarantined.
- From my experience, form.gov.sg confirmations end up here half the time
For links that are indicated (On-Campus), you will need to access it using school wifi or via VPN.
VPN installation instructions can be found here: Student Software > 2. General > 5. Pulse Secure VPN
Server URL: https://sutdvpn.sutd.edu.sg/remote
Old Server URL: https://sutdvpn.sutd.edu.sg/student
Latex equation to PNG: https://latex.codecogs.com/eqneditor/editor.php
Find latex command for symbols: http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html
B&W icons: https://thenounproject.com/
Coloured icons: https://www.flaticon.com/
Open-source illustrations: https://undraw.co/