An opinionated configuration
sailsjs web framework
An ambitious server side framework.
compass styles
Syntactically awesome style sheets.
A CSS reset snippet.
Concatenates a bunch of svg files into a single svg file.
Takes a bunch of svg files and produces a webfont.
A library which manages authentication with different OAuth providers.
A testing suite for javascript.
jade templating
A node oriented html templating language.
marionette (SPA) frontend
A Backbone framework for building massive, maintainable single page applications.
Gives backbone to your frontend architecture.
The popular DOM selector library.
A powerful and efficient javascript utilities library.
A plugin which integrates Sails into Backbone.
The mongodb driver.
A session-store which persists to mongodb.
A node package to repeat scheduled tasks on the server.
Set's up a proxy server to sails, which refreshes in the browser when files are changed.
Reboot's the server when server side code changes.
Continuously runs a process (
) reinitializing if there is an error.
Set's up a browser based window for debugging server side code.
A package manager for front end javascript libraries.
The grunt task which automates the integration of bower packages into the sails build system.
npm install .
bower install .
grunt watchAll
grunt bootDev
grunt buildDev
grunt debug
- configure
set PORT=80 & set NODE_ENV=production
(windows)grunt buildProd
forever start app.js --prod
forever stop app.js
- ruby
gem update --system && gem install compass
npm install -g forever mongodb node-debug bower browser-sync
- ttfautohont
- fontforge (make sure bin folder is available to your environment)