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This landing page collects links to some things I worked on while at NIST between January 2015 and January 2025.
REFPROP things:
- REFPROP-cmake (CMake build tools to simplify building of REFPROP on all operating systems)
- REFPROP-wrappers (Interfaces of NIST REFPROP for a wide range of computational environments, especially Python and Excel)
- REFPROP-tests (Catch2 tests for NIST REFPROP, also regresssion testing, both native and docker-ized )
- REFPROP-interop (Routines for converting NIST REFPROP file formats to those of teqp/CoolProp)
Thermodynamic things:
- COSMO-SAC (A reproducible implementation of the COSMO-SAC method)
- teqp (A new EOS implementation library with automatic differentiation)
- temo (Model optimization with teqp)
- binfit (Binary mixture interaction parameter fitting with deap)
- potter (C++ and Python code for working with pair potentials and calculating virial coefficients) [see also https://www.etomica.org/apps/virial/]
Optimization-y things:
Math-y things:
- multicomplex (multicomplex mathematics for very accurate derivatives)
- ChebTools (tools for working with Chebyshev expansions in C++)