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2014, 2024
openshift, {{}}, kubernetes, node scaling, ca, autoscaler


Setting up autoscaling for your worker pools

{: #cluster-scaling-install-addon-enable}

Update the cluster autoscaler configmap to enable automatically scaling worker nodes in your worker pools based on the minimum and maximum values that you set. {: shortdesc}

After you edit the configmap to enable a worker pool, the cluster autoscaler scales your cluster in response to your workload requests. As such, you can't resize or rebalance your worker pools. Scanning and scaling up and down happens at regular intervals over time, and depending on the number of worker nodes might take a longer period of time to complete, such as 30 minutes. Later, if you want to remove the cluster autoscaler, you must first disable each worker pool in the ConfigMap. {: note}

Before you begin:

  1. Edit the cluster autoscaler configmap YAML file.

    oc edit cm iks-ca-configmap -n kube-system -o yaml

    {: pre}

    Example output

    apiVersion: v1
      workerPoolsConfig.json: |
         {"name": "<worker_pool>","minSize": 1,"maxSize": 2,"enabled":false}
    kind: ConfigMap

    {: screen}

  2. Edit the ConfigMap with the parameters to define how the cluster autoscaler scales your cluster worker pool. Note: Unless you disabled all public application load balancers (ALBs) in each zone of your standard cluster, you must change the minSize to 2 per zone so that the ALB pods can be spread for high availability.

    • "name": "default": Replace "default" with the name or ID of the worker pool that you want to scale. To list worker pools, run ibmcloud oc worker-pool ls --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>. To manage more than one worker pool, copy the JSON line to a comma-separated line, such as follows.

      {"name": "default","minSize": 1,"maxSize": 2,"enabled":false},
      {"name": "Pool2","minSize": 2,"maxSize": 5,"enabled":true}

      {: codeblock}

      The cluster autoscaler can scale only worker pools that have the label. To check whether your worker pool has the required label, run ibmcloud oc worker-pool get --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID> --worker-pool <worker_pool_name_or_ID> | grep Labels. If your worker pool does not have the required label, add a new worker pool and use this worker pool with the cluster autoscaler. {: note}

    • "minSize": 1: Specify the minimum number of worker nodes per zone that the cluster autoscaler can scale down the worker pool to. The value must be 2 or greater so that your ALB pods can be spread for high availability. If you disabled all public ALBs in each zone of your standard cluster, you can set the value to 1.

      Setting a minSize does not automatically trigger a scale-up. The minSize is a threshold so that the cluster autoscaler does not scale to fewer than a certain number of worker nodes per zone. If your cluster does not yet have that number per zone, the cluster autoscaler does not scale up until you have workload resource requests that require more resources. For example, if you have a worker pool with one worker node per three zones (three total worker nodes) and set the minSize to 4 per zone, the cluster autoscaler does not immediately provision an additional three worker nodes per zone (12 worker nodes total). Instead, the scale-up is triggered by resource requests. If you create a workload that requests the resources of 15 worker nodes, the cluster autoscaler scales up the worker pool to meet this request. Now, the minSize means that the cluster autoscaler does not scale down to fewer than four worker nodes per zone even if you remove the workload that requests the amount. For more information, see the Kubernetes docs{: external}. {: note}

    • "maxSize": 2: Specify the maximum number of worker nodes per zone that the cluster autoscaler can scale up the worker pool to. The value must be equal to or greater than the value that you set for the minSize.

    • "enabled": false: Set the value to true for the cluster autoscaler to manage scaling for the worker pool. Set the value to false to stop the cluster autoscaler from scaling the worker pool. Later, if you want to remove the cluster autoscaler, you must first disable each worker pool in the ConfigMap.

  3. Save the configuration file.

  4. Get your cluster autoscaler pod.

    oc get pods -n kube-system

    {: pre}

  5. Review the Events section of the cluster autoscaler pod for a ConfigUpdated event to verify that the ConfigMap is successfully updated. The event message for your ConfigMap is in the following format: minSize:maxSize:PoolName:<SUCCESS|FAILED>:error message.

    oc describe pod -n kube-system <cluster_autoscaler_pod>

    {: pre}

    Example output

        Name:               ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler-857c4d9d54-gwvc6
        Namespace:          kube-system
        Type     Reason         Age   From                                        Message
        ----     ------         ----  ----                                        -------
        Normal  ConfigUpdated  3m    ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler-857c4d9d54-gwvc6  {"1:3:default":"SUCCESS:"}

    {: screen}

If you enable a worker pool for autoscaling and then later add a zone to this worker pool, restart the cluster autoscaler pod so that it picks up this change: oc delete pod -n kube-system <cluster_autoscaler_pod>. {: note}

Customizing the cluster autoscaler configuration values

{: #ca_customize}

Customize the cluster autoscaler settings such as the amount of time it waits before scaling worker nodes up or down. {: shortdesc}

  1. Review the cluster autoscaler ConfigMap parameters.

  2. Download the cluster autoscaler add-on ConfigMap and review the parameters.

    oc get cm iks-ca-configmap -n kube-system -o yaml > configmap.yaml

    {: pre}

  3. Open the configmap.yaml file and update the settings that you want to change.

  4. Reapply the cluster autoscaler add-on configmap.

    oc apply -f configmap.yaml

    {: pre}

  5. Verify that the pods are restarted successfully.

    oc get pods -n kube-system | grep autoscaler

    {: pre}

Cluster autoscaler configmap reference

{: #ca-configmap}

Parameter Description Default
expander How the cluster autoscaler determines which worker pool to scale if you have multiple worker pools. \n - random: Selects randomly between most-pods and least-waste. \n - most-pods: Selects the worker pool that is able to schedule the most pods when scaling up. Use this method if you are using nodeSelector to make sure that pods land on specific worker nodes. \n - least-waste: Selects the worker pool that has the least unused CPU after scaling up. If two worker pools use the same amount of CPU resources after scaling up, the worker pool with the least unused memory is selected. random
prometheusScrape Set to true to send Prometheus metrics. To stop sending metrics, set to false. true
ignoreDaemonSetsUtilization Ignores autoscaler DaemonSet pods when calculating resource utilization for scale-down. false
imagePullPolicy When to pull the Docker image. \n - Always: Pulls the image every time that the pod is started. \n - IfNotPresent: Pulls the image only if the image isn't already present locally. \n - Never: Assumes that the image exists locally and never pulls the image. Always
livenessProbeFailureThreshold The number of times that the kubelet retries a liveness probe after the pod starts and the first liveness probe fails. After the failure threshold is reached, the container is restarted and the pod is marked Unready for a readiness probe, if applicable. 3
livenessProbePeriodSeconds The interval in seconds that the kubelet performs a liveness probe. 600
livenessProbeTimeoutSeconds The time in seconds after which the liveness probe times out. 10
maxBulkSoftTaintCount The maximum number of worker nodes that can be tainted or untainted with PreferNoSchedule at the same time. To disable this feature, set to 0. 0
maxBulkSoftTaintTime The maximum amount of time that worker nodes can be tainted or untainted with PreferNoSchedule at the same time. 10m
maxFailingTime The maximum time in minutes that the cluster autoscaler pod runs without a completed action before the pod is automatically restarted. 15m
maxInactivity The maximum time in minutes that the cluster autoscaler pod runs without any recorded activity before the pod is automatically restarted. 10m
maxNodeProvisionTime The maximum amount of time in minutes that a worker node can take to begin provisioning before the cluster autoscaler cancels the scale-up request. 120m
maxNodeGroupBinpackingDuration Maximum time in seconds spent in bin packing simulation for each worker-pool. 10s
maxNodesPerScaleUp Maximum number of nodes that can be added in a single scale up. This is intended strictly for optimizing autoscaler algorithm latency and should not be used as a rate limit for scale-up. 1000
maxRetryGap The maximum time in seconds to retry after failing to connect to the service API. Use this parameter and the retryAttempts parameter to adjust the retry window for the cluster autoscaler. 60
parallelDrain Set to true to allow parallel draining of nodes. false
maxScaleDownParallelism The maximum number of nodes, both empty and still needing to be drained, that can be deleted in parallel. 10
maxDrainParallelism Maximum number of nodes that still need to be drained that can be drained and deleted in parallel. 1
nodeDeletionBatcherInterval How long in minutes that the autoscaler can gather nodes to delete them in batch. 0m
nodeDeleteDelayAfterTaint How long in seconds to wait before deleting a node after tainting it. 5s
enforceNodeGroupMinSize Set this value to true to scale up the worker pool to the configured min size if needed. false
resourcesLimitsCPU The maximum amount of worker node CPU that the ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler pod can consume. 600m
resourcesLimitsMemory The maximum amount of worker node memory that the ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler pod can consume. 600Mi
coresTotal The minimum and maximum number of cores in the cluster. Cluster autoscaler does not scale the cluster beyond these numbers. 0:320000
memoryTotal Minimum and maximum amount of memory in gigabytes for the cluster. Cluster autoscaler does not scale the cluster beyond these numbers. 0:6400000
resourcesRequestsCPU The minimum amount of worker node CPU that the ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler pod starts with. 200m
resourcesRequestsMemory The minimum amount of worker node memory that the ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler pod starts with. 200Mi
retryAttempts The maximum number of attempts to retry after failing to connect to the service API. Use this parameter and the maxRetryGap parameter to adjust the retry window for the cluster autoscaler. 64
logLevel The log level for the autoscaler. Logging levels are info, debug, warning, error info
scaleDownDelayAfterAdd The amount of time after scale up that scale down evaluation resumes. The default value for scaleDownDelayAfterAdd is 10 minutes. 10m
scaleDownDelayAfterDelete The amount of time after node deletion that scale down evaluation resumes. The default value for scaleDownDelayAfterDelete is the same as the scan-interval which is 1m 1m
scaleDownDelayAfterFailure The amount of time in minutes that the autoscaler must wait after a failure. 3m
kubeClientBurst Allowed burst for the Kubernetes client. 300
kubeClientQPS The QPS value for Kubernetes client. How many queries are accepted once the burst has been exhausted. 5.0
maxEmptyBulkDelete The maximum number of empty nodes that can be deleted by the autoscaler at the same time. 10
maxGracefulTerminationSec The maximum number of seconds the autoscaler waits for pod to end when it scales down a node. 600
maxTotalUnreadyPercentage The maximum percentage of unready nodes in the cluster. After this value is exceeded, the autoscaler stops operations. 45
okTotalUnreadyCount Number of allowed unready nodes, irrespective of the maxTotalUnreadyPercentage value. 3
unremovableNodeRecheckTimeout The timeout in minutes before the autoscaler rechecks a node that couldn't be removed in earlier attempt. 5m
scaleDownUnneededTime The amount of time in minutes that a worker node must be unnecessary before it can be scaled down. 10m
scaleDownUtilizationThreshold The worker node utilization threshold. If the worker node utilization is less than the threshold, the worker node is considered to be scaled down. Worker node utilization is calculated as the sum of the CPU and memory resources that are requested by all pods that run on the worker node, divided by the worker node resource capacity. 0.5
scaleDownUnreadyTime The amount of time in minutes that autoscaler must wait before an unready node is considered for scale down. 20m
scaleDownNonEmptyCandidatesCount The maximum number of non-empty nodes considered in one iteration as candidates for scale down with drain. 30
scaleDownCandidatesPoolRatio The ratio of nodes that are considered as additional non-empty candidates for scale down when some candidates from previous iteration are no longer valid. 0.1
scaleDownCandidatesPoolMinCount The minimum number of nodes that are considered as additional non-empty candidates for scale down when some candidates from previous iterations are no longer valid. 50
scaleDownEnabled When set to false, the autoscaler does not perform scale down. true
scaleDownUnreadyEnabled When set to true unready nodes are scheduled for scale down. true
scanInterval Set how often in minutes that the cluster autoscaler scans for workload usage that triggers scaling up or down. 1m
skipNodesWithLocalStorage When set to true, worker nodes that have pods that are saving data to local storage are not scaled down. The default value is true
skipNodesWithSystemPods When set to true, worker nodes that have kube-system pods are not scaled down. Do not set the value to false because scaling down kube-system pods might have unexpected results. true
expendablePodsPriorityCutoff Pods with priority under the cutoff are expendable. They can be removed without consideration during scale down and they don't cause scale up. Pods that PodPriority set to null are not expendable. -10
minReplicaCount The minimum number of replicas that a replicaSet or replication controller must allow to be deleted during scale down. 0
maxPodEvictionTime Maximum time the autoscaler tries to evict a pod before stopping. 2m
newPodScaleUpDelay Pods newer than this value in seconds are not considered for scale-up. Can be increased for individual pods through the annotation. 0s
balancingIgnoreLabel The node label key to ignore during zone balancing. Apart from the fixed node labels, the autoscaler can ignore an additional 5 node labels during zone balancing. For example, balancingIgnoreLabel1:label1, balancingIgnoreLabel2: custom-label2.
workerPoolsConfig.json The worker pools that you want to autoscale, including their minimum and maximum number of worker nodes per zone. \n - {"name": "<pool_name>","minSize": 1,"maxSize": 2,"enabled":false}. \n - <pool_name>: The name or ID of the worker pool that you want to enable or disable for autoscaling. To list available worker pools, run ibmcloud oc worker-pool ls --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID> \n - maxSize: <number_of_workers>: The maximum number of worker nodes per zone that the cluster autoscaler can scale up to. The value must be equal to or greater than the value that you set for the minSize: <number_of_workers> size. \n - min=<number_of_workers>: The minimum number of worker nodes per zone that the cluster autoscaler can scale down to. The value must be 2 or greater so that your ALB pods can be spread for high availability. If you disabled all public ALBs in each zone of your standard cluster, you can set the value to 1. Keep in mind that setting a min size does not automatically trigger a scale-up. The min size is a threshold so that the cluster autoscaler does not scale to fewer than this minimum number of worker nodes per zone. If your cluster does not have this number of worker nodes per zone yet, the cluster autoscaler does not scale up until you have workload resource requests that require more resources. \n - enabled=: When true, the cluster autoscaler can scale your worker pool. When false, the cluster autoscaler won't scale the worker pool. Later, if you want to remove the cluster autoscaler, you must first disable each worker pool in the ConfigMap. If you enable a worker pool for autoscaling and then later add a zone to this worker pool, restart the cluster autoscaler pod so that it picks up this change: oc delete pod -n kube-system <cluster_autoscaler_pod>. By default, the default worker pool is not enabled, with a max value of 2 and a min value of 1
{: caption="Autoscaler add-on parameter reference" caption-side="bottom"}