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AngularJS facade for ECMA402

This project provides support for AngularJS developers to utilize ECMA402 functionality but with familiar AngularJS constructs.


This project is licensed under the "New" BSD License.


Bower release installation:

$ bower install ecma402-angularjs

Manual master installation:

$ git clone git://

Then install dependencies with bower (or manually from github if you prefer to):

$ cd ecma402-angularjs
$ bower install


See here for more complete usage documentation.


This facade over the ECMA402 layer is designed to be invoked either by a directive or as filter. Both the directives and the filters utilize the AngularJS best practice of employing a naming prefix to prevent naming collisions. This prefix is a9n (angular-i18n).

The names for the directives & filters were chosen to be intuitive bridging the gap between AngularJS itself and the ECMA402 api. Directives follow the form a9n_{type}Format. Filters follow the form a9n_{type}Format.

The following format types are available:

  • date
  • number
  • currency
  • percent

Directive example:

    <span a9n-currency-format="price"></span>

Filter example:

    <span ng-bind="amount | a9n_numberFormat"></span>
    <td>{{price | a9n_currencyFormat}}</td>

Each invocation of a filter or directive can supply optional parameters to control that particular formatting. The first parameter is an options object that is passed down to the ECMA402 api implementation and may contain a variety of different formatting options. For further documentation on the ECMA-402 standard Intl API and what parameters are available, see Mozilla Developer Network

In addition to the parameters supported by the various ECMA-402 methods, this facade supports including a locale parameter in with the other options. This has the benefit of simplifying the calls by not having to always supply a separate parameter for the locale. To facilitate a temporary override, an additional parameter locale parameter is available. This locale parameter overrides any locale in the options parameter. This is meant to permit easy reuse of sets of options where only the locale may differ.

    var options = {
        locale: 'en',
    <td>{{date | a9n_dateFormat:options}}</td>
    <td>{{date | a9n_dateFormat:options:"es"}}</td>


The localization service contains the implementation of the calls down to the ECMA402 layer. This service can be configured to simplify normal usage so that user specific options do not have to be passed on each filter or directive. Configurations are available for setting a default locale as well as default options for Date, Number, Currency and Percent formatting.

Example of configuration

		app.config(['LocalizationServiceProvider', function(LocalizationServiceProvider){
			LocalizationServiceProvider.setDefaultDateFormatterOptions({month: "narrow"});

The demo program utilizes application specific configuration and can be seen in app.js

For configuring the underlying ECMA402 library see the documentation section on the ECMA402 page.


  • Damien Garbarino (IBM)
  • Scott Russell (IBM)