on mws-restaurant-stage-2 (use bash)
# node server
on mws-restaurant-stage-1 (use terminal on vs code)
serve -p 8000 -o
when it loaded
fetchNeigberhood() is called which originally come from DBHelper
fetchCuisins() is called which originally come from DBHelper
Both functions use fetchRestaurants() in DBHelper
which fetch the text from server 1337, purse the text (restaurants) to object by using .json()
All the functions in restaurant_info.js are also reading datas from fetchRestaurants
Basic Steps to complete
1: Fork and clone the server repository.
You’ll use this development server to develop your project code.
--->see https://github.com/ichiLamuchy/mws-restaurant-stage-2
2: Change the data source for your restaurant requests to pull JSON from the server,
parse the response and use the response to generate the site UI.
3: Cache the JSON responses for offline use by using the IndexedDB API.
4: Follow the recommendations provided by Lighthouse to achieve
the required performance targets.
4: Submit your project code for review.
So main things
1: Change to Use server data instead of local memory
by use fetch API.
2: Use IndexedDB to cache JSON responses
3: accessability retained as it is
4: check performance using lighthouse
You can audit your site's performance with Lighthouse by
using the Audit tab of Chrome Dev Tools.
Lighthouse measures performance in four areas, but your review will focus on three:
Progressive Web App score should be at 90 or better.
Performance score should be at 70 or better.
Accessibility score should be at 90 or better.
When you wanna see json data in formated
go to developer's tool, go to console, then write such as
json = <then paste the json data> then you see it in the formated way
for app - manifest fil will be read when it opens in the browser
if it opens a couple - a few times, the browser ask for if you woul like to down load app
console on developer's tool
use such as fetch(http://localhotst:1337/restaurants")
.then (res=>res.json())
.then (json=>json)
so you can see the result
on the fetch on sw
check if I can break down more
Now I can use serve -p 8000 -o
to listen to port 8000
At the moment web application is using port 8000 / getting Json data from port 1337
// make a function called newFetchR for indexed db
var dbPromise = idb.open('restaurant_app', 4, function(upgradeDb) {
switch(upgradeDb.oldVersion) {
case 0:
var keyValStore = upgradeDb.createObjectStore('keyval');
keyValStore.put("world", "hello");
case 1:
upgradeDb.createObjectStore('people', { keyPath: 'name' });
return dbPromise;
// if sw not exist, don't bother and error out
// if it does
// open indexed db restaurant_app
// callback with parameter (upgradeDB) to create object store called restaurants
// it would throw error if the name of the object store exists
if (!upgradeDb.objectStoreNames.contains('restaurants')) { upgradeDb.createObjectStore('restaurants'); }
// make keypath : id
// make db.transacton to transactonable for read write
// get the restaurants object store from the db. transaction
// add or pu t write onto the db.
// when the network requests happen, the browser try to read it form indexed.db for the contents of restaurants which are all handked in the js
// this would be called if sw is not existed or any of fetch fall back
static fetchRestaurants(callback) {
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(json => callback(null, json))
.catch(err => callback(err, null))
// use inport idb from 'idb'; idb pollyfield
// open db Promise the indexed .db
var dbPromise = idb.open('restaurant-app', 1, function (upgradeDb){
if (!upgradeDb.objectStoreNames.contains('restaurants')) {
upgradeDb.createObjectStore('restraurants', {keyPath: 'id'});
// make transaction write
var tx = db.transaction ('restaurants', 'readwrite');
var restaurantsStore = tx.objectStore('restaurants');
// add data from network
return fetch(http://localhotst:1337/restaurants")
.then (res=>res.json())
.then (json=>json);
// if it is there make transaction to read when request happens
// how do i do ?
Browser can get the Skelton static from cache through service worker. But updated dynamic contents from indexed db Open websocket to get updated contents from network (by pass http cache and sw) Browser update the contents to indexed db when the contents arrived
fetch is use for making network request similar to http request. it use promise.
promise synchronise behavior of request / response
So simply when you use it is some thing need to be updated while it has been chached in between origin and browser
or need to display something
method indexdDB.deleteDatabase('database name') on the colsole dev tools to delete the indexedDB
force update on reload check on dev tools - easier to develop
Basic steps: 1.Get data from ide.open - step 1 2.Open transaction on database - step 2 3.Open object store on transaction - step 2 4.Optionally open index on object store 5.Perform operation on object store or index
Enter localForage, a JavaScript library that provides the ease of use of localStorage with all the advanced features of IndexedDB.
Just simple getter and setter
localforage.getItem('key', callbackFunction);
localforage.setItem('key', 'value', callbackFunction);
JS to write one from network one from indexed DB
https://medium.com/@subodhgarg/web-app-manifest-file-make-your-web-app-installable-b5fcdb2919b9 https://www.lynda.com/CSS-tutorials/Creating-manifest-file/518052/567907-4.html
(from nicolas) http://podcast.freecodecamp.org/ep-33-code-dependencies-are-the-devil