It supposed to be a simple context provider but somehow it became a store 🪦
It's a simple state manager for lit-element. I needed something like redux, but something less complicated. It implements a store, and provides a method to set and update properties in the store.
On every property update, the components get a new data injected into them through props, and as we know, components are rerendered if the properties are changed.
you can find a working example in the test/components
Version 1.2.5
- changed "module" to "ES6"
Version 1.2.1
- added generic types for state
Version 1.2.0
- added TS support for
Version 1.1.1
- improved redux devtools usage
Version 1.1.0
removed deprecated methods
improved register and deregister methods on lifecycle
remove component from observers when disconnected from DOM
Version 1.0.13
- added meta information to the store init method
Version 1.0.12
- added iframe support
Version 1.0.11
- added devtools support
Version 1.0.9
- rename prop with
Version 1.0.6
attribute in theproperties
Version 1.0.5
- actions and async actions
- setProps method to set multiple values at the same time
init the context where ever you want
import context from 'lit-element-simple-context';
context.init({propName: someval, propName2: {nestedData: []} });
You can use devtools to debug store, pass true as a second parameter to the init
import context from 'lit-element-simple-context';
context.init({...}, true);
You can pass devtools options, like store instance name, as third parameter to the init
method. Watch devtools-options.d.ts
for available options.
import context from 'lit-element-simple-context';
context.init({...}, true, { name: 'lit context store' });
connect a lit component to the context in JS
import { LitElement } from 'lit';
import context from 'lit-element-simple-context';
class MyLitComponent extends LitElement {}
window.customElements.define('my-lit-component', context.connect(MyLitComponent));
connect a lit component to the context in TS
import { LitElement, property } from 'lit';
import { Context } from 'lit-element-simple-context';
type MyContextType = {};
const context = new Context<MyContextType>();
export class MyLitComponent extends LitElement {}
To specify the props you need from context in your component, you should set fromContext
attribute in the properties
If the lit property name is different what you use in the store, you can specify it with contextKey
class MyLitComponent extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
somepropFromContext: {type: Number, fromContext: true},
renamedProp: {type: String, fromContext: true, contextKey: 'somepropInTheStore'}
You can do it in TS as well with either using the default typings or your custom state type:
import { LitElement } from 'lit';
import context from 'lit-element-simple-context';
export class MyLitComponent extends LitElement {
@property({fromContext: true})
somepropFromContext = '';
With custom types:
import { LitElement, property } from 'lit';
import { Context } from 'lit-element-simple-context';
type MyContextType = {};
const context = new Context<MyContextType>();
export class MyLitComponent extends LitElement {
@property({fromContext: true})
somepropFromContext = '';
change a value in the store once the component is connected to the store
this.setProp('somepropFromContext2', 0);
change a value in the store if the component is not connected to the store
import context from 'lit-element-simple-context';
context.setProp('someprop', context.state.someprop + 1);
You can use actions (and async actions as well) instead of setProp
method calls.
// actions.js
import context from 'lit-element-simple-context';
export const incrementBy = context.action((state, value) => ({someprop: state.someprop + value}));
export const asyncAction = context.asyncAction(async (_, value1, value2) => ({ value1, value2}));
// some-other-file.js
import { asyncAction, incrementBy } from './actions.js';
async function foo() {
await asyncAction('foo', 'bar');
that's it!! there is no need of tons of boilerplate code and every component gets the fresh data on change.
To run the suite of Web Test Runner tests, run
yarn test
To run the tests in watch mode
yarn test:watch
For most of the tools, the configuration is in the package.json
to reduce the amount of files in your project.
If you customize the configuration a lot, you can consider moving them to individual files.
yarn start
To run a local development server that serves the basic demo located in demo/index.html