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ILDEVCON18 - Kubernetes Code Components


The presentation can be found here


  1. Helm - Installation Instructions
  2. Draft - Installation Instructions
  3. kubectl - Installation Instructions
  4. Docker - Installation Instructions
  5. Azure CLI - Installation Instructions
  6. Kubeless CLI - Installation Instructions
  7. Kubernetes Cluster - AKS Instructions
  8. Kompose - Installation Instructions
  9. Ingress Controller Deployed to your Kubermetes Cluster Installation Instructions

Move from docker-compose to Kubernetes

#cd to your docker-compose file dir 
kompose up

#convert docker-compose.yaml to kubernetes yaml
kompose convert

Containerize applications using Draft

# cd to your app root folder
cd node-draft

draft init #initialize draft

draft config set registry $DockerHubUsername

draft create 

draft up

Install Kubeless with Helm

#initialize helm

helm init

#install kubeless using helm

helm repo add incubator

helm install --name my-kubeless --set ui.enabled=true --set ui.service.type=LoadBalancer --namespace kubeless incubator/kubeless

Serverless Application on top of Kubernetes with Kubeless

# deploy your serverless application
kubeless function deploy awesomeserverless \
                    --runtime nodejs8 \
                    --handler awesomeserverless.handler \
                    --from-file awesomeserverless.js

# expose your serverless application with ingress rule
kubeless trigger http create myawesomeserverless --function-name awesomeserverless --path myawesomeserverless --hostname