- create project dir
- run:
gql create prisma-tweets --boilerplate node-basic
to bootstrap a prisma based graphql server - configure datamodel.graphql
type Tweet {
id: ID! @unique
createdAt: DateTime!
text: String!
owner: User!
location: Location!
type User {
id: ID! @unique
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
handle: String! @unique
name: String
tweets: [Tweet!]!
type Location {
latitude: Float!
longitude: Float!
in this example use local
prisma deploy
, choose local. On running the install from first step, this will automatically runprisma deploy
returns endpoints
HTTP: http://localhost:4466/prisma-tweets/dev
WS: ws://localhost:4466/prisma-tweets/dev
- every time we rerun
prisma deploy
gets updated.
gql get-schema -p database -o schema.graphql
src/generated/prisma.graphql (Prisma schema): Defines the Prisma API with CRUD functionality for your database. This file is auto-generated based on your data model and should never be manually altered.
Whenever you make changes to your data model, this file is (automatically) updated as well.
- create a dir for resolvers
mkdir src/resolvers/Query.js
- write your first query
- import the query into src/index.js
- run: prisma deploy and yarn dev to update graphql schema and open playground
- make sure to import your types from generated prisma graphql file and use them in schema.grapqhl
const TEMP_APP_SECRET = "mysecret123";
module.exports = {
- output:
- mutation:
mutation {
email: "aarmand.inbox@gmail.com"
password: "graphql"
username: "idkjs"
fullName: "Alain Armand"
) {
user {
"data": {
"signup": {
"user": {
"id": "cjd5wtnq701o60185yfbe3wws"
- get header from response and use in variables section of playground
- mutation:
mutation {
login(email: "aarmand.inbox@gmail.com", password: "graphql") {
- output:
"data": {
"login": {
- header
"Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiJjamQ1d3RucTcwMW82MDE4NXlmYmUzd3dzIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE3NTc1MTE3fQ.a7CHdRbLOBOwbB1DvTpk-liUn8xKBjFRTPWS4hBcMT0"
the feed query returns tweets posted on this server, not actually interacting with twitter
feed {
tweets {
postedBy {
- output:
"data": {
"feed": {
"tweets": [
"id": "cjd5x6taj01sy0185djv9t6hu",
"postedBy": {
"username": "idkjs"
"body": "https://www.graphqlweekly.com"
- run:
now --public
- see it here: prisma-tweets.now.sh