The Liberty Asset Repository Service implements a repository for Liberty features that you can deploy locally. You can host features you have developed and features retrieved from the Websphere Liberty Repository, and then use your Liberty server's installUtility command to install the hosted features into your server.
The LARS documentation is organized into a number of pages:
- [Building LARS] (doc/
- [Installing LARS] (doc/
- [Using
] (doc/
The wiki has docs on using LARS with WebSphere Liberty
If you don't wish to build LARS from source, follow the [Installing LARS]
(doc/ instructions to install the latest binary release from the [Liberty Repository] (, and perform the necessary server.xml
customization steps.
Start mongodb
Now start the server
bin/server start larsServer
The server should now be running. Unless you've changed the default config, you should be able to visit http://localhost:9080/ma/v1/assets and see an empty list.
and then run larsClient
to upload an asset.
bin/larsClient upload --url=http://localhost:9080/ma/v1 --username=admin --password userFeature.esa
Enter your password when prompted. You should see a message saying that the feature has been uploaded
bin/larsClient listAll --url=http://localhost:9080/ma/v1
If you changed the config to require authentication for the user role, you'll need to provide your username and password as you did when adding an asset. You should see some output like this:
Listing all assets in the repository:
Asset ID | Asset Type | Liberty Version | Asset Name
54da04d8735612bfdb13bf56 | Feature | |
The list command shows the asset id. You can use this to delete the asset from the repository
bin/larsClient delete --url=http://localhost:9080/ma/v1 --username=adminUser --password 123456789103456789